Image by Rinki Lohia from Pixabay

Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara have been projected as three pillars of Hindu Religion describing human life cycle with the unique correlation of construction and destruction but the peculiar look of Brahma and piquant life style of Shiva and Vishnu raises many questions at many different times by some different quarters. These reasons and arguments also heard about the pictures, sculptures and looks of other different deities of Hindu Religion, such as Scantily dressed Goddess Kali, Ten hands Devi Durga, Veer Hanumana and of many such others revered mythical personalities without understanding the real meaning of the religious text. Sometimes found that ill remarks or the ill portrays of these gods and goddesses cause stir in the society and thus the general peace are getting disturbed. If we go through the basics of human life then definitely, it will be clear that how good and knowledgeable people were they, in ancient time, who formulated and gave the ideas to develop such pictures, sculptures and displayed to common people in the form of murals, frescoes and images as seen in the Sun Temple at Konark, Jagannath Temple at Puri, the beautiful creative arts at Khajuraho and at many small temples well around the country where the life cycle had been explained in simple but very scientific way so that one can build a good healthy society.

If it is so for nobel cause then why some people of today's modern society unnecessary find obscenity and obscurity in these valuable art without dipping into the fabric of the society, then prevailing, when there was practically no difference between the thinking of human life and animal life and both of them were wandering around just to enjoying only by mating itself. The great thinkers of that time decided to educate the illiterate common mass in the pictorial forms as now in modern society we initiate our children with alphabets A B C D showing apple, ball, cat, dog etc. Apart from mating, the best creature of God who was sent to earth to rule over others had no knowledge of safe giving birth to their offsprings, quality upbringing of the kids and about a well knit family relation. It was then felt utmost necessary to bind the people with rules and regulations and tied them in the name of god thus the systems of worshipping deities started.

As there is no founder in Hindu Religion like is with Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Buddh and in many others worldwide, so, groups of thinkers putting their brains together continuously, formulating systems for a strong, sober and decent religion so that a healthy society can be made of and due to this untiring effort the traditional Hindu Religion over the time became stronger and stronger and a scientific document also.

Let us now discuss about some of the deities and try to understand why they are looked like so.

God Brahma:

God Brahma is a four-headed personality, regarded as the creator of the universe and one of the main strength of the Tri Dev.

His four heads represent, as believed by the Hindus, that the learned philosophers made the commoners acquainted with the Four Vedas of sacred religious books but this four heads eerie look of the God invites some remarks from some quarter.

Lord Mahadeva:

Why Mahadeva is being worshipped as Shiva Linga?

We all, by this time, are well aware of the fact that Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only the state and form is changed by some external causes. If the external cause is not guided properly then it will be difficult to achieve the desired state, so, it is the primary requirement for any development is 'Knowledge' and 'Control'. Here if a man who is having immense power within himself does not know his potential then it requires a guide him in the right track to yield the desired output from his strength, so, a master is required to unearth the hidden capability and make the people aware of the values of education. For making that uneducated man to understand the meaning of control, the Linga in the name of God has been recommended to worship which will have a direct impact on human's mind and people will learn to control its use. He will then realise that if he cannot control himself properly then his power will be misused and the offsprings the society receive will be of inferior quality in all respect and that man also will loose its strength by unnecessary wasting of power. So, the learned people after thinking given the shape of the deity as Shiva Linga and asked people to worship it everyday. People started pouring water on its head regularly, specially in the month of Shravana with much vigour. If it is tried know the reason why such type of water pouring or milk pouring was encouraged and what is the speciality of Shravana month festival then it will be clear to understand that control of biological desire is the basic element of growth otherwise as it happened with the animal kingdom man also will behave like that of uncontrolled birth.

Why in the month of Shravana religiously water pouring ceremony done? The reason because at that time earth is fertile, getting enough downpour and the crops are grown, keeping this in the background it has been told through the religious doctrine that when the lady partner is carrying the blessed embryo that time man should not indulge for his desire and try to control himself very seriously which if we further dip into religious text then also we can see that during this rainy season just before the month Shravana, Devi Shakti Mata is passing through those pious but painful few days which gives delight to every girl and this entire birth history was beautifully explained through a religious festival Ambabuchi, a sacred Hindu ritual.

As Hindu religion is all about life description so, if the conception of birth not clear to the community then those ignorance may create problem that is why Shiva Linga and Ma Kamakshya have been made to worship with a special relevance to Ambabuchi and Shravana Month Festival.

Lord Shiva is regarded as one of the most respectable god in the Hindu Religion and He has been depicted in such a way that everyone, irrespective of man or woman, wants His blessing and try to be as simple as He is. Lord Shiva spends most of the time in meditation and follows an ascetic life but was very alert about his family, thus His all four children have been well groomed and established. Both daughter Laxmi and Saraswati apart from their beauty are so much learned, cultured and opulent that the entire world seeks their blessings. Sons Ganesha and Kartikeya also have million followers for their quality and knowledge, so every girl wants her husband should be of Mahadeva's quality and thus pour water regularly even on the month of Shravana also with much dedication and obeisance. The ladies apart from these rituals do fasting in the occasions such as at 'Neel Sasthi' in the month of Chaitra when they pray for some of God's quality for their husbands. The ladies, in order to have the Lord's favour, observe fasting on every Monday and do many rituals. They all expect that their husbands should love them as He did for His both partners Sati and Parvati. The young unmarried girls are also performing His puja with gaiety and hope with the expectation that their 'would be partners' should have the quality of ascetic life but should be courageous, disciplined and care giving as the sacred Lord did.

Slowly, with time, the great philosophers also continuously thinking about the future of the society and making corrections of the earlier rules if needed and also correcting their approach, educating themselves in order to bring the mass to the light of culture and growth.

Once the birth knowledge is established then the thinkers concentrated for the other qualities which will make them superior in the earth and that is why they gave stress for the physical strength and for this Veer Hanumana was included as a revered God.

Veer Hanumana:

Science has now established that the predecessor of human being is that four legged animal of ape community and this ape community represented by Veer Hanuman already found place in the Hindu Religion long before science finding and was highly glorified in the epic Ramayana for his intelligence, sincerity, simplicity, courage, dignity and physical strength. All these qualities are essential elements for the human folk to make a strong and colourful beginning which the illiterate commoners will not understand if only big theories are spelt out. So, the ancient greats took the help of animal kingdom and made the burnt black colour faced with long tail Hanuman as a God, made story of his loyality, dedication and strength and asked people to perform his puja which still today, the Hindus are doing with much galore and honour.

The mighty Hanuman was so sincere and dutiful to his master that when he could not recognise the medicine plant to pluck then he used his physical strength and carried the entire hill so that there would not have any delay for Laxmana's treatment and thus the commoners were taught the nuggets of life about.

There found arguments about how the entire hill could be lifted of which definitely has no authentic evidence available but it may be assumed as a symbolic and this incident invoked in the mind of commoners that one need to make quick decision and also require physical strength so that job does not suffer. This unique example of Hanumanji taught us about the necessity of taking quick decision for any work.

Though till now the moutain lifting cannot be justified but commentary of Sanjoy to Dhritarashtra about the Kurukshetra War found justification with the invention of Television and Digital World, so, we do not know in future whether the lifting can be proved by science or not but the modern rocket technology and warfare weapons have found resemblance to the war of Ramayana and Mahabharata where bows and arrows can be equated to rocket and missile technology which the prudent people of Hindu thinking already documented in many religious scripts and books etc.

Sri Hanumanji is not only loyal, but also had tremendous courage that we observed when reaching Lanka's capital started plundering the entire city in disgust only to find out Mata Sita for whom he was sent there by Lord Rama. This indominitable attitude and courage is required to have to the human being if and only if they like to establish their supremacy over others for which Veer Hanumana is regarded as one of the most powerful and revered idol.

Again here, we can see that the then philosophers were how much advanced in knowledge when they could corelate the human evolution with ape which the science concluded much later. The Hindu thinkers boldly accepted these four legged animal as the friend of human being and that is why the ugly looking Hanuman is made one of the sacred God in Hindu belief.

Hanumanji was very dutiful and loyal but we also see that he is very conscious about his dignity also, that is why when he was not offered a seat in Ravana's court then he made his own arrangement and discussed with the dreaded king. This personality and self consciousness is so much inspiring that when in history we see that defeated King Puru after loosing to Great Alexandar never bowed down to and demanded respect as a King not as a defeater which Alexandar also appreciated, remind us about the text recorded in the epic by learned intellect.

So, the ugly looking Hanumanji cannot have joker's role in the human community but has been respected as a highly respectable god amongst the Hindus.

Now, let us try to understand the role of Ma Kali.

Ma Kali:

Why scantily dressed Mother Kali is worshipped?

Legend is that Kali, a consort of Lord Shiva, fought the demon to save Devas from the disaster. Nobody actually knows who is god and who the demon is but everyone knows that the society has good people as well as bad living together and many a times the dispute between them turn out to a fight and good people has to surrender before the evil forces and subsequently become a subject to torture. When the tortures exceeding the threshold limit then some of the people out of their normal trait take arms in their hand, forget about their decency, culture and mercilessly start killing the demons, try to restore the confidence in the people. Initially they all are successfully fighting with the support of their friends and relatives but in this way soon they loss total control on themselves and go on killing spree without any judgement which creates another problem for the society and it then requires to stop them but the anger in them is so much that nobody able to make them calm and quiet in normal process. This is the very known happening nowadays we can see and that the protector when himself turns out a destroyer, causes unprecedented destruction and immediately it requires to stop him but the situation is so grave and the protector looses his senses and no normal logic is of any use then it is felt to address the problem in a different way which the great thinkers could envisage at that age and made the Mata Kali's image like the way we see today. It is really wonder that how the ancient learned genius could foresee this and designed this ferocious looking deity Kali.

To teach the technique to follow in difficult situation the great thinkers developed the image of Mata Kali standing over almighty Lord Shiva in a scantily dressed, wearing garland of skulls, appalling fearful look with lolling out tongue, gaping mouth indicates the brilliance of their knowledge and farsighted views of society.

She has been shown as the mother of nature who nurtures the society, protects her children from any harm but at the same time does not hesitate to drink blood reminding the society that nobody is immortal here and has to leave this earth one day or other, so, time should not be wasted by doing immoral things. In this way when she was impetuously falling on people and sucking blood without any judgement then the thinkers fell concerned and found in that condition the protector loosing control over self, go on killing spree, no logic proved sufficient to stop her from plundering, then Lord Shiva instead of trying to stop her by force or by any argument played a trick and lied on the road she following. The moment the dancing lady in a full mad conditions puts her feet on Lord Shiva, she felt ashamed, took her tongue out and stopped there, thus the destruction has been controlled. So, what the Hindu religion tries to communicate that at times without any weapon also war can be won by putting intelligence. Hence, we find that the image of goddess Kali designed with the aim to teach the people about the nuance of life.

To sum up the teachings of Goddess Kali we can see, Ma Kali is the symbol of protest, does not hesitate to take arm in hand, does not hesitate to give any ear to critics, bold enough to take up mighty opponent, fiery look with frown of terrible countenance at the same time has the respect for her master Lord Shiva and stopped her carnage and also displayed the shyness by taking out the tongue outside, reflecting the unique quality of Indian Women.

Furthermore we can see from the life of goddess Kali that everybody in this earth will be decimated to ash, dust etc. so, one should be free from any ego that is why is believed that she resides at crematory amidst the decaying corpses meaning that one who lives in a very shabby house or even a homeless people has the dignity and can have the quality to be liked by others as Ma Kali is worshipped by all Hindus across the land.

Her black colour image also has a message that looks and beauty are not the only factor that a girl need to get success but the other qualities need to be ushered forgetting the colour of the skin and other beauty factors which ultimately bring glory in life and can establish identity as Ma Kali has amongst her followers. Another meaning of Kali is 'Kaal' means 'Time' and the message she spread that during the short stay in earth one should do quality jobs which many Hindu monks time and again reiterated, amongst them Swami Vivekananda and Baba Lokenath's advice are most memorable in present era.

Kali is the strength, has power like Lord Shiva, so, a girl child should never consider herself inferior to boys, which the philosophers sensed and pronounced long before the actual reality the world faced today.

Lord Ganesha:

The elephant headed Ganesha with four hands and a big tummy is another unique example of great thinkers where they taught the world about Transplantation. Before Ganesha, perhaps, no such incident occurred in the world history where transplantation was done. Nowadays we find that Science made possible to transplant many human body parts but cannot do Brain transplantation yet which may happen in future taking inspiration from Ganesha's look.

Ganesha's look not only inspired the scientist but his dancing style also attracted all art lovers. Dancing Ganesha is a very popular form of deity in South India where the Black Stone Dancing Ganesha is worshipped in all temples. The South Indians who are very adept and ingrossed with art and culture and has proficiency in Bharat Natyam, Kathakali and other form of classixak dances are the greatest follower of this vastly learned god. There we find dancing Ganesha is being worshipped with great dedication in almost every house and temple.

Apart from black dancing god the pink and yellowish Ganesha also in the heart of all sect Hindus who is also knows as removal of obstacles and thus He is worshipped first in all hindu ceremony whether it is marriage or First Rice Ceremony.

It is again said that once there was a challenge between two brothers of Ganesha and Kartikeya to circumbulent the earth and hearing this brother Kartikeya flew with his Peacock when the fat Ganesha circled around Shiva and Parvati and win the challenge because when their parents are the ruler of universe then why is required to move around the globe and thus is proved intelligence is always superior to others.

These small-small tales as designed by the intellects show the vastness of their knowledge to educate the p


Though the thinkers made many rules for smooth and beautiful society even a group of so called self declared social worker misusing the doctrine started ruling the commoners with some dreaded rules such as Sati and untouchability. The burning of Sati rule was put to challenge by many leaders and under the guidance of Raja Ranmohon Roy that rule has been abolished and the widows got new life in the society, but these widows were also to go through many unscientific ordeals where they could not wear coloured dress, could not use cosmetics, had to save their hair, could take food only one time, could not take non vegetarian food and like this many restrictions made their lives miserable which again the thinkers fought for change but the fundamentalist for their own interest did not allow the reformers to get success, but as the Hindu Religion has no founder so the legacy of changing system was carried out by reformers and after great fight Pandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar successfully introduced Widow Marriage. Reformation is going, thus it can be said without any doubt that Hindu Religion is all about Life and here everybody can put their views and help to wipe out any prevailing taboos.

From the discussion just narrated one can definitely say that Hinduism is not just a religion to worship but its aim is to make healthy society for which the mankind should have education and all other qualities just stated now, so the Hindu Religion is not a myth but a combination of Philosophy and Life Science.

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