I was very happy since childhood that I am a citizen of the Republic of India and felt proud when found my parents were casting their franchises to elect the ruler of their country. After attaining my voting right, I was overexcited on that day, first time, I had been in the queue and eagerly waited for my turn. Since then, I regularly keeping information about the activities of the Government, Opposition parties and my local Civic Bodies and also about the country's politics. Every time opposition parties were attracting my attention because of their critical views about Unemployment, Poverty and Price Rise. As a tendered boy when found my father facing trouble in running his family then I also started becoming a critic of the Government's policy and in many cases expressed annoyance when saw, many of my neighbours, who were in miserable conditions and not getting minimum food and cloth, then made up my mind strong to change the government through ballot box and accordingly favoured opposition parties time and again. I was then just young, living in a remote village where people were so poor that they if get a single meal in a day then would get heavenly pleasure and greet everybody with an engaging smile. Every day they could not have a cup of tea even and had to toil hard for something to eat. Seeing such poverty-stricken people, I was getting pained but could not do anything than give some occasional personal help. Thinking to change the system. Very much annoyed with the government policy and engrossed myself in studying different economic theories of the world. I was then going through many articles and thus came across the societal system of USSR where found that inequality between 'Have' and 'Have Nots' was the bare minimum. Learnt about China and started listening to the fiery speeches of the political opponent leaders, mainly of the Communists of Bengal and was getting charged. Excited. Tried to know more and more about the country's problem and also interested to compare ourselves with other nations paricularly with the USSR and China.
Truly speaking, I then was so small to understand anything about Political Science and Sociology but only the problems around me attracted to study deep and become determined to make change the system. Slowly I started understanding the meaning of Capitalist, Monarchy, Republic, Socialist, Communist etc. and developed a hatred value about the Monarchy and Capitalistic Rule where found that wealth of the country accumulated only to a limited people and the entire population left with a meagre resources which gives the birth of Corruption. I inclined more to the pattern of Soviet Russian Culture where all are equal but the main problem was that I could not get adequate study materials. The informations collected about China and Russia from the speeches of the leaders and those boiling speeches took me more to the Communist philosophy and slowly started inclined to the Communism but found my father was not at all happy with me. From discussion with him I understood that though he liked socialistic society but not supporting the views of communists instead had a very high respect to our Republican model. I could not understand his beliefs. I argued with him about the shortage of food, about the disproportionate distribution of wealth and many such things which he also agreed but his approach for solution to those problems was different than those of the Communist dictum. To make me aware of the reality of the problem he started teaching me the history of our country and making me understand the reasons for Food Shortage, Unemployment and the vision of our country.
My father was a vastly knowledgeable man but had never been in politics. He always supported the Pro People Policy, that is the reason he had a deep respect for the Constitution of India where in the preamble, apart from many things, clearly mentioned the vision for Sovereignty of the Country and Socialistic Society with Secularism outlook and commitment to the rights for free speech, free movement, free occupation, free beliefs, free worships etc. which he said were not guaranteed in the Communist Rule Country. There, only the decision of Politburo has to be honoured and implemented. There in the Communist Countries were no room for democracy. People are forbidden from following any religious activities. The personal wish of the people has to be shelved. But in India one can free to raise their voice about any demand and can openly criticise the government which was not possible in those countries thus he became loyal to our Constitution. All this I was listening but even though felt inclined for those countries when heard that nobody has to starve there and the difference between people were bare minimum, but surprisingly seeing the behaviour of my father I started thinking why my 'pro people' father not at all interested in Communism. I started arguing with him by telling that what is the justification of having a government of the people, by the people, for the people when people not getting the minimum requirement for sustenance? Is it not better to have a Communist Government than starving? He did not say anything but with a sweet smile told me before jumping on decision go through the system minutely and then frame your opinion. But he went on telling me about our history starting from Colonial Regime to Free India period. Narrated the incidents with detailed explanation of all those which he had seen on his own and felt pity for all about. He has seen the partition of the country. Seen the problem faced by Bengal and Punjab. Seen the Communal Riot. Seen the pitiable conditions of the uprooted innocent Bengalis very closely and during narration of all those dreaded incidents could not control himself. Tears started flowing down the cheek. Took a pause. Then again started describing. Now went back to Pre Independence days when the move was initiated to give birth for a new country on the religious line. Seen how the dreams of those revolutionaries had been shattered. How the smile of the common people wiped out for fear of loosing everything. Lost all hopes of having decent life in free India which all in captive India they all continuously hoping for and even at the time of formation of theocratic Pakistan also had the wish for undivided India against all odds but the power monglers did not hesitate to severe the main land into pieces and giving birth to a new country thus rendering the people in chaotic condition. During the process of giving birth, communal riots plagued Calcutta and the vibrant Calcutta saw the blood bath in Great Calcutta Killing. Noakhali also witnessed the fearsome riot just at the time of announcement of a new country. Everywhere in new Pakistan both in East and West, people fleeing their beloved country, leaving everything behind. Many lost their lives. Many lost their near and dear ones. Many girls, women and respectful ladies lost their biggest asset of life. The good neighbours, living from generations together, turned violent and drove their best friends out of their country, snatching their houses, properties and made them homeless and those revolutionaries who fought selflessly for the freedom of Undivided India also running away from their ancestral houses along with their families. In the western front, the Punjabis faced the carnage at different part of Pakistan and reached Indian borders. Distressed and Devastated. Punjab and adjacent Delhi flooded with those helpless, penniless people. Free India, instead of celebrating the independence with gaiety and galore were in deep trouble with this generated problem. During that time, a war broke out between India and Pakistan and a large portion of Kashmir went to the control of Pakistan. My father's voice choked. Became emotional but controlled himself, took a pause, said that the birth of Pakistan was very much unfortunate and two race of Bengal and Punjab had all the brunt of separation. It was pathetic, unbearable. The influx from Pakistan made the situation so imbalance that led to the deterioration of personal relations between the originals and the refugees. A separate clan was generated. The displaced people have been termed, 'Refugee'. They all got sheltered in a makeshift camp. Respectable ladies of reputed family standing in the line to collect her food. Unbearable. Unthinkable. Those all pitiable things that he noticed was narrating me. I was listening with a very deep heart.
My student mind startled, disturbed. He went on telling that though free Indian Government tried to accommodate the distressed people in the Refugee Camps with the supply of food, cloth but the mounting unrest amongst those people put the government in a very perplexed condition. Indian Government in one hand trying to rehabilitate them at suitable location and on the other hand with proper planning setting up government owned big industries with 'No Profit No Loss' principle, honouring the enshrined vision of forming Socialistic Society and also to solve the generated problem by providing employment. But all these big industries like Power Plant, Steel Plant, Heavy Industries were built, under compulsion, with technical and financial support from developed nations and thus again invited the shackle of dependence, so, it was felt necessary to strengthen the government exchequer as well as to generate the wealth of the country, started encouraging individual ownership business also, thus the 'Mixed Economy' policy was adopted where Private sector and Public Sector could make the business but the government would only control the Core Sector like Railway, Postal, Defence etc. With the passing time, it was found that private sectors are making progress by making profit whereas the government companies with 'No loss No profit' principle posed a major bottle neck in the India's economical journey.
Apart from this, the country faced acute shortage of food due to the partition of the agragarian East Bengal and sudden increase of population density. This shortage of food and shelter made the communist party to sprung up in the country specially in Bengal. The communists of Bengal, instead of taking any positive attitude to solve the generated problem in a systematic way started exciting the people and thus chaos started. People resorted to hooliganism. They in that course did not mind burning the government assets. Many of them forcibly constructed unauthorised houses in the occupied government land. Seeing this, other refugees also getting courage, made their houses not only in government land but also in the private land, thus the enmity between the landowners and the refugees started brewing. The communists ignoring all the rules of land were in agitating mood which made the situation further worsed. This problem did not take that worst shape in Punjab because of their outlook. They instead of groaning over the losses, engaged themselves to build their career by putting hard labour and accepting the government's assistance whatever little offered and did not hesitate to go to Andaman even where the govt. of India arranged for rehabilitation but the same refugees of Bengal under the violent leadership of the Communist refused to go to Dandkaranya and Andaman and the chaos were there all around.
The displaced Bengalis from East Pakistan who had common border with India's North East front started settling in Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur,Tripura and other hilly areas creating panic amongst the originals of the land for fearing of their identity. The otherwise calm and quiet people of the hills started protesting and also unleashed some untoward incidents in Assam that made the Bengali refugees again to be on the run and many of them fled to Bengal crossing the Assam Border. The Bengalis who had to settle in the hills started facing frequent problems from the originals and thus ethnic problem started. This again became a problem to the Government of India and the continuous movement of the Bengalis to Bengal from Assam added burden to Bengal Government which was further aggravated by the agitating Communists Comrades. These Communists could not be seen active in Assam but in Tripura they like Bengal started some spoaradicity. Bengal now had more hapless population than before. Manipur, Tripura also started suffering for these refugee influx.
As the eastern part of erstwhile Bengal, the rich producer of food grain, was separated, so, food shortage causing a direct impact to the penniless refugees along with the originals of West Bengal and this unprecedented situation was exploited by the communists, started organising the protest group who were on their toes to foil the every attempt of the Bengal Government, headed by Dr. B C Roy and thus the refugee rehabilitation in different parts of India like Dandakaranya, Andaman and other areas could not take proper shape on the contrary the Punjabis instead of resorting to hooliganism, faced the challenges and started becoming self sufficient in agriculture, industry, where, in Bengal, people were on the street for Protest and Demand. All these were possible for the our Constitutional commitment to Republican Democracy and right for free movement, free speech etc.
So long, I was listening, then said to my dad, Do you think that liberty for protest was justified?
Father replied, No,
Then why do you boast of our Constitutional commitment? Why not you support the Communism, where, you said, raising voice was forbidden,
Father said, Do you accept slavery?
I retorted, What is slavery? For betterment, if one has to whip me, gag me then I think nothing wrong in it,
He said, Just imagine, if forcibly the people then sent to Andaman what would might had happened? Immediate repercussions would had been that the refugees were either been deported or exiled as it was in the case revolutionaries. Government would have been termed as an 'Inhumane', because at that time, it was considered that Andaman was a dreaded land where if anyone sent he would not be coming back to main land again. Do you want in that situation where in one hand people were struggling then the Indian Government should ignite another problem?
I said, what's wrong in it? They should have done it by force,
That means you want Zamindari System. Autocracy?
No, not like that, but for betterment if needed then one had to be whipped,
Oh, that means, you encourage to be inhuman,
No, not like that,
Then what? Whatever your ruler says , you have to oblige?
No, means - I could not explain,
He then said, you have to always honour the sentiment of the people but at the same time try to bring them to your confidence also, this is why Democracy invites for discussion, but unfortunately the Communist instead of paying any heed to the appeal of the govt., organised the hapless people, ignited them with wrong stories and started militancy, thus the problem aggravated in Bengal on the other side where Communists could not make inroad, there, the Punjabis went in developing and slowly became self sufficient in food production, industrial growth and established themselves as a hard working, dedicated fearless race and thus today, you can see, they are regarded as one of the most respectable race in the country, on the other hand, the Bengalis started sliding down from the elevated position they earned in British Regime to the dust bin in Free India.
Father then given me some old popular Newspapers from where I was getting the ideas of militant activities. The burning pictures of Government property pained me and did not find the reason that by burning how the agitating people had been benefitted. I now learnt a little about militant activities and found that how the Bengal Communist became popular unleashing militancy and thus made idle political force in Bengal who were busy only in sloganeering and causing hindrance to the development, on the other hand Punjab instead of involving in such type derogatory politics put all out effort to make their life smooth and prosperous, not involved in burning of government assets, not wasting precious time by shouting on streets, did not give call for strikes and paralysing the effort of their own growth.
All these stories put me in deep thinking about Communism.
Father continued, said Indian Government after independence set up Planning Commission with a vision of growth making 5 years plan and the Planning Commission in their first five year plan gave stress for 'Agricultural Growth' and the next fiver year for 'Industrial Development' and thus many govt. owned industries in the country came up with 'No Profit No Loss' concept and people were blessed with employment and was expected the problem would be minimised but that those militants did not stop their atrocities, they, went on squeezing government with unjustified demand and thus gaining popularity in city and town. After that they made inroad to the company's activity and forced many times the management to bow down to their call and all the industries instead of flourishing started sinking from the beginning itself.
Food scarcity still continuing. Govt. stressed for 'Green Revolution'. When Scientists are burning many midnight oil for their research work and Govt. for proper distribution made rationing of food stuffs, then also Communists were in ransacking mood and thus could make many roadside hooligan people happy and with their support communists could be able to spreading their wings. They entered into the village politics. Initially, they won over the mind of the poor villagers who were exploited so long by the landlords. These leaders with agitation and fighting with the landlords made some improvement in their income and thus made base strong in the village. After that the landlords lost grip of their control on their own land and the labourers under the aeiges communists started distributing the crops between landlord and cultivators which made the poor people happy and the landlord frustrated and thus Communists found their committed vote bank in rural area and pave the successful entry into the Parliamentary Politics and then after by resorting to Strike, Bandh, Tool Down, Pen Down type agitating culture increased their popularity both in Urban and Rural areas.
Day by Day Company's production were reducing. Government officials were hackled, Company's engineers and managers were manhandled and Balance Sheets of the company showing Red Alarm. These incidents not only restricted to government companies but private owners also became frustrated and started shifting their Business Houses from Bengal to other parts of India and the Industrial hub which was built by the side of River Hooghly, River Damodar and at Kalyani, Kolkata, Howrah, Barrackpore, Durgapur, Asansol, Kumardubi turned to be a desert look.
Hearing all these from my father I was shocked and asked my father even would you support Democracy? He smiled and said, Yes, but you definitely by this time understood why I do not support Communism in my country.
I am still in school, so all these things just what dad said could not visualise and my father also did not tell me anything extra than what the newspapers of that time written. I saw my methodical father's collection of newspapers and his preserving quality.
I studied more and more about the unrest and got the idea that Bengal Communists instead of growing Nation was more interested to make Bengal weak in the country's map.
He went on telling. Communists grabbed the Political Power of Bengal and being a ruler they attacked the education system. Once Bengal produced many luminaries and was regarded as the Temple of Education. Many students across India came here for study but now pupil moving out of Bengal. Do you know why?
I am silent,
He then said, Standard of education had been brought down. They made new policy where the knowledge of English was diluted. Earlier taking the legacy from British Regime, Free India introduced English from the lower class but this Left introduced English from Class VI whereas in the other part of India this subject was initiated from the lower class only thus they made our education system weak. Their main aim was to make Bengal Citizen completely dependent on the Party Leaders but their own children were given education in Private Owned Posh English Medium Schools and thus made a clear hypocrite society. The education system was totally paralysed.
I said to my father, then why were they doing this?
Father replied, You analyse. You would definitely find answer why were they gaining popularity despite doing such damage?
I was mumed.
He waited for sometime, then said, Reason was very simple. Our country has many languages and there was no declared Official Language though effort were on to project Hindi as Rashtra Bhasa but still English was used for Official Communication, so, if mass were kept weak in English then the limited people who taking education in English Medium School could have enjoyed the power to lead Bengal in the National arena and the entire Bengal would be dependent on the leaders and thus they would be able to rule without problem which was the basic principle that Communists wanted.
Again he stopped for a while and asked me to read more to know about communism and what the actual happenings occurred both in Russia and China during revolution and purging.
I then studied a lot on Communism and found that though there was promise for equality even those equality was far from actual and the torture in the 'Concentration Camp' made in China forced me to deviate from Communism and inspired to know more about Republic System.
Before knowing anything about Republic and Democracy, father asked me to know about Constitution of India. I then first tried to understand the Constitution and found it is a body of fundamental principles according to which State is governed and here also our country is committed for equality and justice to all its citizen. I wondered. When our Republic government is dedicated for equality then why people are thriving for Communism where liberty of individual was not there. Little bit confused. Again tried to understand which one was better, Democratic Republic or Communism?
My father then regularly taking class on Republican Democracy and Communism and I observed that our constitution has three distinct pillars, Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. After going through in detail about the functions of three pillars, I developed high faith in our Constitution and found that Republican Democracy is the best suitable system for our country.
I developed a very sceptic view about the mobs' activities and communists' attitude.
I was never interested to be in politics because of my father's advice. He had a very clear conception about the national economy and societal problem but never participated in any dialogue with the politicians because most of the politicians with whom he came into contact was not at all a culturally rich to understand Economics and Social Science.
I entered college. As a College Student I found the activities of the Student Leaders. Since, I never involved in direct politics, so, I could assess the performance of student leaders of both ruling and opposition groups and found most of those leaders and activists never attended the classes, never attended laboratories but score very good marks in the examination. Initially, I was very curious about their intelligence and thoughtful about my quality. I was an average merit student but was sincere in my studies even every time I found that I was placed low in the merit list thus depriving of scholarship which was essential for me to continue my study. Later understood, the students' representative, though democratically elected but clever to manipulate the examination result using their wrongful political power and thus students of deserving calibre were depriving.
After passing out of college, I entered in a big government owned manufacturing industry. I was posted in West Bengal Unit which were at peak of indiscipline then. Workers were found more interested for political activities than their designated official work. Their leaders were not hesitating to organise meetings inside the premises causing great sufferings to production and all other natural activities of the plant thus driving this unit to the death tunnel continuosly but our other units in Bokaro, Bhilai, Rourkela found making profits with strict discipline of work culture and thus the all India Company's Balance Sheet looked smart and for this profit our trade union, affiliated to Communist Party, demanded for more yearly bonus, more salary, more overtime allowance etc. I was shocked. I saw people were not doing their normal work for which they should be punished instead I had to put those indisciplined workers in overtime. I was not willing but had to do because of the Union pressure. My Boss was also surrendered to their wishes. We had no control over the situation. Here at Bengal, Communist Union had full control of every activity in the organisation and the management had to be a silent spectator to the misfortune of the company and thus the company incurring loss after loss in all financial years. Our unit was facing problem even for arranging salary of its employee. But the union was still arrogant, obstinate, went on strike, tool down, non cooperation even did physical assaults to the different level of management authority, thus the total activities were jeopardised. I then was a junior level manager and was looking at great disgrace and cursing my helplessness and then realised why my father was so abhored to Communists but at the same time I also getting pained looking at the ineffectiveness of the management.
Realised that democracy all time may not be good. Sometime, autocracy is required to get desired result. Again confused. Which one is better? Autocracy or Democracy? Could not understand.
Regularly I started observing workers' unrest not only at my company but at other companies also. The Private Companies started pulling down their shutters one after another and the government companies like us striving on the support of our other units' solvency but the Communists taking the full advantage of Democracy, continued their unproductive activities. They had no repentation for company's lacklustre performance. They are busy organising protest, raising their voices against closure of private companies but not at all interested to keep it open by doing their work and instead bringing the ladies and children outside their houses, formed different units eg. Mahila Samaj, Student's Union, Hawkers' Union, Taxi Union etc. Took full control of the city's administration.
As I was not much interested about town administration so, did not pay much attention to it but find very difficult to make my plan for discharging normal duty in my working area because of workers' indiscipline. Unable to fulfill the target that what was expected from me. Any pressure for work or any strong orders to a worker putting me in deep trouble and found my such activities started inviting protest, gherao and complain to the higher level, thus losing the valuable man hour daily, getting snubbed from my superior, terming me 'Incompetent', 'not competent to handle irate workers' etc.
This disease spread to School, College and Hospital also. Strike became a right to citizen. The Principal, Teachers of an educational institute were forbidden to do their natural duties. Procedure for admission of new students also being started controlling by the Students' Union. The meritorious eligible students were many time denied admission to accommodate the party loyalist. Nobody could say anything. Thus 'Brain Drain' started. Both the quality teachers and aspirant brilliant students, financially affordable, started leaving Bengal. Once respectable Calcutta University, Presidency College continuously loosing its glory at National Level but the Communists were increasing their popularity base. I was shocked to see the people's attitude but real fact was that they were successful to establish themselves as Ruler of Bengal.
I already heard from my father that Communist indiscipline were the main cause of Bengal's deterioration but now I could see the art of murdering the Advanced and Respectable Civilisation of Bengalby the Communists.
I was upset and could not understand what to do.
Now, I am in a total confusion. During Parliament election, I found a man, whom I knew as a useless uneducated but a corrupted worker in my plant, got nomination to contest and came to me to seek his fortune. I sat for a while and thought, is it for such type of people our forefathers made the Constitution? Does this people has quality to make law for the country? Is this type of people from other parts of the country also would go to Parliament? Is it the right way to elect a people's government? Thinking, what is the need of electing such people? I knew him as a trouble maker, found him to create problem always, found him to unethically engaged his own men as Supplier for food products including grocery, confectionery etc. to Company's Canteen and amassed huge wealth and the same leader, on the other hand, causing the reason for closure of the company by organising unrest. This strange attitude of our people made me to think of the morality of the people.
I could not understand what was the use of sending these quality people to Parliament. I could not understand the reason for spending so much of thousands and thousands crores of rupee for such election. Instead, if there would have been a monarch in the country and that monarch would utilise those money for his people then that society would have been definitely benefited better than this way of wasting money and energy. Is there any justification for spending money like this? Where from the country will earn this money? Who are bearing the burden for these colossal expenses? We are not voting only once in five year but almost every year the elections are held, sometime for State Assembly, then for Panchayat and then for Civic body and then for some School Committee, Cooperative Bank etc. and every election costs money. If all money together, we use for development then people would have got a decent, prosperous life as China did. I heard there is no such type of election. They do not elect government for every five years but the entire world pay respect for their development. They are considered as one of the strongest nation in the world and also having Permanent Seat at UN with the right of exercising Veto, on the other hand, India is still considered as a developing nation despite being rich in Human Resources, rich in Mineral Resources and also rich in Agricultural Products. Then what is wrong having Communism. Where China could do so much of development from 1949, the day Red Brigade came to Power, then why from 1947 we have failed? So, nothing wrong in Communism but again looking at Bengal Communist, I am shaky. I am really perplexed. I am trying to compare Bengal Communist with Chinese Communist but unable to do it because when see that China made progress in all the area from Science and Technology to Art, Culture and then Bengal Communist dragged Bengal behind from an elite State to a backward State by resorting to all Negative and destructive activities. They had driven out all Business Magnets from Bengal, insulted Great Educationist, forced the famous Scientists like Dr. Subhash Mukhopadhyay, to commit suicide where his discovery about the Test Tube Baby got now recognition in the world and thus tarnished the image of Bengal at National Level. So, I decided, whatever change I may suggest but definitely not support for Bengal Communist.
I never understood what were they gaining to give a call for strike. Why do they encourage only by Strike and Strike? Why not they encourage people to be disciplined and to do their allotted work? Why not they encourage to increase skill? Why do they hold meeting during working hours at Factory Premises, where officially any kind of gathering is forbidden? Why do the Communist Leaders taking Procession on City's Main Road causing problem to general public including the movement of critically ill patient, office goers and daily earners? Are they afraid that if Common Mass become knowledgeable and solvent then the leaders might loose control over them? Is that the reason they are doing all those activities which ultimately keep them in the helm of state and can easily dictate over the people? Could they do this, had there been an authoritarian ruler? Could any of the cadre defy the decision of their Politburo? Could any of their low level comrade raise slogan against their leader? Why they could not do? Because, there was a strong dictatorship at party top, so, I also believe that 'Right to Freedom' also need to be controlled in our country.
If all are free to protest then, what is the need of Democratic System? Why do we incur so much of colossal expenditure for election? Why, why and why?
I am really shattered with the different thoughts and also feel pity for the sufferers.
I have also suffered because my potential as a technologist was not getting sharpened comparing to my other counterparts in our different unit. I was frustrated but had nothing to do than leaving Bengal.
I regularly see different companies in Bengal are winding up their units and shiftiting their business to the other parts of India where these Communists are almost rejected. The people here at Bengal becoming jobless and State's economy started dwindling.
In the mean time computer technology entering into the business market in a very fast pace. India along with the world expressed interest but the communists in Bengal vehemently opposing it and misguided the people, thus the reputed entrepreneurs instead of moving to Bengal made their destination to South India and West India and the Bengal boys and girls had to run there keeping their aged parents alone here. Once rich Bengal now becoming a State of Old Age People. Vibrancy lost. Dark cloud is looming. Social fabric has been totally shattered.
By this time, India achieved a lot in all sectors. But its population also crossed
100 Crores. This uncontrolled population growth could not alleviate its people much and many of them remained Below Poverty Level and India is still under the blanket of misery and thus Corruptions are there at all level.
The Economic thinkers could not continue any more with its 'No Loss No Profit' policy and slowly opening the government's activity to private sector with the idea
Private Companies are allowed to do the similar activities which were earlier exclusively reserved for Government domain. Courier Companies appearing in dispatching letters and articles. In the same way private players appeared in aviation sector and the business scenario started getting changed.
All these I observed during my life and side by side found the fall of Communism in the USSR. I started finding the reason for this change because I was told earlier that there was minimal difference between Rich and Poor and everybody was assured of Food, Shelter and Cloth, then why the Communism failed, why China also aligning with the Capitalist West leaving their dogmatic approach and coming close to open market? After studying a lot, came to know that though people were satisfied with the basic needs even the inner soul of every being needs to be free from dictatorship and wants to usher up their ideas in a free way and for this 'right to freedom' they accepted the Western Culture and I became astonished.
I give a Big Salute to our Constitution Thinkers who then in '48, '49 established the guarantee of human dignity and recorded in the Constitution which these Communist understood so late.
But looking at the plight of today's Bengal, I cannot come to any conclusion about the system the country should follow. Bengal went to the lowest in education, lowest in employment and lowest also in general discipline. Everybody in India has an apathy look for Bengalis and Bengal, thus continuously sliding down in the National Level.
Due to Reformation, the economy of India started improving. Seeing the progress of Indian economy, the govt. modified many of its basic policy and follow the path for LPG, means, Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation. To give further impetus, the govt. stakes in many industry like Steel, Power, Minerals etc. sold to Private Houses and to the general Public, thus making a great compromise of its Mixed Economy policy and tacitly allowing the Private Houses to accumulate the wealth of the country which is against the set out principle of the Constitution.
Now what that happened the small small businessman and big houses together amassing wealth in unethical ways and depriving employees of their dues and remuneration. They, in most cases, not giving permanent employment, instead making contract, introduced 'Hire and Fire' Policy. Thus, a new section of Middle Man, Contractor flourished, who supply workers at a cheaper rate and the company is also relieved of its all liabilities and surprisingly, it was seen that those supply contractors are mostly either from political family or have the political inclination, so, there is no uproar of those injustice. The employees thus depriving of social security, like Provident Fund, Gratuity etc. what the earlier employees used to get. The condition of general mass becoming miserable but a group of people accumulating wealth.
Seeing all these changes, I am really confused. What does my country want? What is the real meaning of Democracy? How the wealth of the country will be distributed? Why does the government shrugging off their responsibility instead giving jerk to his administration? Is it due to the fact the rulers are elected for only 5 years? Is it for that the respective representatives loosing their morality and engaged in Corruption? I could not find any answer to all my questions.
This, I think, is a major drawback in Repulican Democracy, because, here in our country every five years the new government coming and in the name of development they are making such rules and regulations that found suitable for some selected Business House who can garner assets and because of that it is found that most of country's wealth have been accumulated in some few hands while majority people of the country remain below poverty level and so, even after the independence of 75 years the govt. today giving dole to appease the common mass, which is ashamed for a nation and against the enshrined philosophy of the Constitution.
I find recently another dangerous thing in our Political System. The political leaders lost their morality. They openly using filthy and insinuating language and not being ashamed for their misdeeds. More surprisingly, I find that a member whom I elected for certain moral values, he after being elected to the Legislative House, switched to a party whom he criticised so long and became an important 'Turn Coat Politician'. I was shocked but could not ask him to resign and seek my favour again. By betraying my belief he enjoyed to a party which was not of my liking but he went on enjoying his personal benefit assuring his monthly remuneration, medical benefit etc. and after that pension also. This is definitely a loop hole in our Constitution which needs to be plugged immediately.
As the horse trading is allowed under the clout of rules so these 'Turn Coat Politician' alongwith the uneducated members of the house, without understanding the basic structure of the Constitution, taking some decision which caused eirre to the nation but one pillar of our Constitution, Judiciary, is still strong and do not bulge to any pressure and many times struck down the unconstitutional rules framed by the Legislative House. Very recently, our Central Government framed law on Electoral Funding Bond and collected huge amount from different Corporate Houses, which the Judiciary did not hesitate to scrap with scathy remark. This made me happy but at the same time feel that the standard of the house should be improved by sending knowledgeable people who can make rule perfectly. Had our Judiciary not strong then this huge amount would have been illegally collected and some people would have been richer and richer day by day. This again shows an ugly side of our system that Judiciary is being unnecessary dragged into those cases which should have been effectively dealt by the House. There, I feel only quality members can do it, so, all the Political Parties should concentrate on the quality.
This striking down of Electoral Bond by Judiciary again forced me to think about the beauty of Democracy, to which my father always paid his respect and obeisance.
Though I have experienced a lot by this time, find many drawbacks in all systems, find the strange behaviour of recent greedy politicians, find immoral 'turn coat politicians', but cannot do anything. Totally confused even has a deep respect for our Constitution.