Photo by Lee 琴 on Unsplash
An entrepreneur has once said, that one day those small things will become big important things. Those important careers will be obsolete, and those acquaintances won't be around, that bad boss will move on, and those riches won't give you the love and fulfillment you'll seek in the end, once the noise has subsided and you are left with just you and what is within.
So, learn to be happy with yourself and your happiness doesn't require any qualifications or any kind of logic or it must have sensed. Learn to be happy with stillness, with nothingness and then you'll realize and treasure the real riches.
The sunshine on your face on a fresh morning, the smile from a stranger, a lesson learned from a conversation with someone you randomly meet as you get your morning coffee. The deep soulful connections with people who care no matter how you show up. The memories of real moments spent being present and engaged with others. Peaceful moments alone as you gaze and marvel at the beauty of stars and moon. The gratitude you express when you praise the beauty of the Lord. I woke before anyone else and heard the bird's chime as the song of the new day launched.
So, stop crying and sweating over the small worldly stuff, we are born alone, and we will die also. You will always have yourself and your creator at the end of this world and nobody else. Start caring, investing, and loving yourself, your gifts, and your inner beauty, and figure out the main motive of why God has sent you into this world and start working on that motive for the sake of your creator.
"Everything is beautiful when you look at it with love".
Build a heart of gold and constitute yourself a gem as a person. Learn to fight with love, kindness and positivity. That will be your greatest strength, your greatest offence, and your greatest defence. No matter how many times life hits you, whatever challenges you are facing, whatever opponent turning your potential into aggression and transforming you into an acrimonious individual, fighting out of fear causing you to be clumsy, careless and vulnerable, when you engage out of love and kindness, coming from a positive place, your actions are more intentional and therefore more careful and precise. No matter how many times you get knocked down, love will always raise you stronger. Love will erode your opponent's will and make them exhausted, eventually forfeiting your invincible character and your infinite strength.
Build new connections, reboot, refresh and nourish the old ones, understanding human behaviour is so neglected by all of us nowadays, without even realizing the consequences. It's so unfortunate that we have become so impatient, and emotionally unstable but no one is ready to accept this fact. Everyone here is busy constructing their own world, neglecting the fact that each one of us belongs to the same world.
"Those who find beautiful meanings in the beautiful things are cultivated. For them, there is hope. Be soft in heart and beautiful in soul, beauty matters the most when it comes to the heart".
Create harmony among every one of us. Here all over the globe, everyone needs someone who not just only loves, but the one who understands with great intuitions mixed with empathy and kindness. By giving them shoulders as they are the best understanders, by lending their hands with an open arm and by the tongue that speaks gently, warmly and softly, with intense love, respect and compassion. Every person here in this world is heartbroken fighting their own battles and needs a stress buster who cuddles them in their worst and tells them that this shall too pass and everything will be fine. Who tells them that I am here for you, whenever you will find. Everyone needs someone who celebrates their success and greets them with a warm appreciation. Everyone needs someone who understands them in all the perplexions and complexities of this modern world, just to get us.
"Everyone needs someone whether it's good or bad, or they are happy or sad, or in the gleam or gloom, or they wither or bloom, or in the warm or cold, or when twisted or trolled. Everyone needs someone". So, this time will you make an extra effort to be someone to everyone?
To make life beautiful and simple, what can we do for other people? What is the most amazing thing about us that we want to share with the world? It doesn't matter how far they are or how hard it may sound. Let's make good use of this technology and media. Let's empower people wherever they are. You'll never know who needs it. Who's praying for that? Be someone's answered prayer. Be their light in the plight. Move with a pure heart, striving always to be a better person. Let your actions and intentions be guided by love and kindness, even when challenged. Remember, you invite the same energy you put out, so be responsible. Transforming pain into positivity is a superpower.
Live with a motive, a motive of making others happy, a motive of spreading love till your last breath. "There is no salvation for the soul but to fall in love". Motive of making your heart beautiful. "A beautiful heart is like an incandescent lamp that erases darkness inside a soul and gives off light".