Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash
What do we think when someone expresses emotions? Do people care about the one who without thinking expresses their emotions in front of others? Is there any place for those? Will this world give people the space to let them be the way they are? A lot of thought over this. Will this matter, to me, yes, we have to think about them. You share them.
People all over the globe find it hard to talk to strangers or even close ones when it comes to their emotions. What if they don't understand the true essence of their emotions? Showing them to others who even know anything about your life. Generally, people try to make fun of emotions or they tend to ignore them and don't show the right reflection to them. My question is why is there a race? Can we not just be what we want to be and stop judging people and passing comments over others?
People gossip about others in their group which they also know they are not a part of. They are there just to be there in a so-called group, but in actuality no one is close to one another, just to show others out of that group, to fake show the outsides is the plan they have. Not understanding and just making fun of the emotions of one another is so common.
So, what they will do is try to become cool, cool from what they have from their parents, there are very few people who are humans and try to remain humans no matter what comes to their path, they try to remain what their true values are, what they want the world to know and give hope to the one who is also in the journey and process of expressing the true human emotions without the fear of been judged.
I think people have to consider the fact that showing what's your true authentic self is not a crime. If you don't fit in your group standard then that is their reflection of their thoughts. In today's world People are becoming more and more fake and just trying to fit into standards and labels by society.
People coming from small cities have no clue about how people think, there are two kinds of people coming from these cities to the metropolitan cities, either they become recessive to city life, or they assume that people from big cities are aggressive, sophisticated, etc. also people from cities, what i have noticed is that they do speak less, communicate less, been their themselves, their are people they do judge. But what I have seen is that most people from the rural areas are the ones who make fun of others, these are people who are new to cities and have just a few months or years. When they do not fit into the standards around themselves they lose their thought of not being the same as they were before.
But beneath all this, there is much that has to be seen. People from these places have to understand that we have to give space and true respect to all the differences which are there in the society. I am highly against the fact that people from different domains compare themselves with others. people should learn the basic things that this diversity is so unique, we should not discard it, if it is not serving you get out of the system, and don't blame, people, places, and things, just to give satisfaction to their thoughts and perception. No know is forcing them to be there and if they are benefiting from that place, then give the place, people, and things the respect you give to your original place, places, and things.
We should respect the world, the best to tell this is that cornea time, so much the world has witnessed during this time, and every place, person, and thing was important. When people were not getting qualified doctors in their place, they changed places, and countries to save their loved ones. Time passes by and people tend to forget the learning the earth is giving us. I have learned a lot, and I urged people to be a little bit soft to experience open, try to learn, observe, and then react to others. Not just merely based on your real-life experiences.
A personality came to my college and he said a very beautiful line, which is that, if you want to be free from the mental pressures then you have to trust people, you have to find the right people, I know it's hard to trust someone but take your time, and don't trust anyone, but not talking will also not solve the problem you have to trust people and others also have to consider the fact that based on you previous assumption people should not judge other. Give them the space, that they want and only come forward when you have the time and things sorted in your life to give that cognitive space to others and ones you come into that space if the things are sorted out give a proper closure to another person, which is good for both of you.
I hope these ideas and thoughts of mind have made an impact on your thoughts and you will ponder over these. I think this will make the world a better place to live, and you should think about this if you have other opinions, feel free to reach out to my Instagram handle. I want to know about people's thoughts on things. This is my first time writing on something that I truly feel like talking about and explaining my opinion over. it is not coming from a single incident from my life, but a repetitive pattern of behavior that I have observed in these many 20 years of my life. I just got the opportunity to express what I have experienced, so I felt like sharing here, which is kind of a different experience and so far good.