Photo by Надя Кисільова on Unsplash

When silence speaks amidst the world's deafening noise
amidst of utter chaos
prevails peace and poise
When the mind remains quiet and the soul speaks out
Yes, I have escaped the cage and my wings are stretched out
This is the unfoldment of a beautiful chapter of my life
Yes, I have embraced yoga for a healthy, happy, and longer life
A holistic practice is yoga that keeps the body fit and soothes the
A secret weapon for wellness that cures diseases of all kind
Yoga is the healing of soul through the means of body
Yoga is to shine the light of self-awareness into the darkest corner of our body
Yoga is the ever-shining light of life that never deems
The more we practice,
the more it gleams
Yoga promotes love and compassion for all beings,
Yoga unites us with nature and all living beings
Not just some exercise, yoga is the key to peace, bliss, and stress-free life
The only way to avoid suffering and one of the best apps to download in life.

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