Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash
I dream of building a utopia where we all are living our precious human lives with joy and jubilation. We all know that Utopias are hypothetical and in reality, the concept is not feasible to execute and sustain in the long run. This attitude has prompted the human brain to slowly accept the norms and ethics provided by the society. What attitude can help us create a utopia in the 21st century? Well, hear me out on this one.
Why should we not commit a bad deed? If I rephrase my question to you all, why should you not commit a heinous and horrendous act? Are you afraid of the consequences? You are afraid of the judgement and miserable life you will spend in prison.
Isn’t it people? We don’t want to end up in jail! We don’t want to make our lives miserable by committing an act of sin and offending our almighty god. We all believe in Karma and we all know that Karma is a bitch. The cycle repeats itself and the same thing will come at us in some way or the other.
Well, that is not what I believe to be very honest with you all. So, what do I believe in? I believe in the one thing we all missed in the above paragraph. We missed the most beautiful thing that binds us all together, the very magnificent term which helps us feel those emotions. I am actually talking about “empathy”.
Do you know why I won’t commit an act of sin or do something bad? I won’t do it because I just don’t want to do it. I am not scared of the law or the God; I am not afraid of the long hands of karma which will not let me live in peace for the rest of my life. I won’t commit a bad deed because I am full of empathy. I don’t need an institution to govern my conscience and soul. That is how we all can build a utopia like never imagined by the races of mankind. An idea which is worshipped and becomes the new norm for all of us. People not committing a crime because they are full of empathy and love. They are not afraid of the law or karma; they are afraid of their conscience which should not be contaminated by these horrible acts. This is the utopia that I dream of and I want to build it from scratch.
A place where people are not governed by God, government, or law; people are governed by empathy. Trust me on this when I say these words to you, empathy will never fail in governing the human race with perfection and accuracy. The law can fail in governing and keeping people in order. Even with stringent policies and cruel punishments, there will be some people who will commit crimes due to several reasons. Even with the almighty god, people still commit acts of atrocities and then ask for forgiveness from their supreme lord. If I say the main principle in a well-constructed line then here is how it must be written:
“People not committing wrong; not because of fear of consequences; but because of the presence of empathy in their hearts.”
When we all start following this principle religiously, we will be building a utopia which will be as beautiful as a new born baby. A place with no more tears and sorrow. A place where revenge and vengeance are removed from the human minds. A place where acts of heroism and vigilance are no longer required. A place where the elixir of life is used for the benefit of mankind and not for ruining another nation. Elixir of life? Science! Science is the elixir of life. In this utopia, science is used for the upliftment of mankind and not for inventing the new bomb for destruction.
When this happens, the human conscience will become more aware and purer than it ever was. Relationships will become purer and the human race will be living a life they always imagined. A life they will always remember and pass on to their future generations.
Let me help you through two examples which might shed some light on this idea and make it easier for execution:
I have spent more than 2 years in the corporate sector and every year as a moral obligation, we are required to attend the POSH webinar. I have observed many people sharing their views and discussing the benefits of this rule. They often talk about the consequences and how we all can call for help when needed, which is an excellent step and I commend it with full sincerity. However, there is this one line which is missing from these webinars, which I would love to add and share with people; something which makes them more ethical and moral in real life.
The line goes like this...
“People! Just don’t do it! Don’t do it because it is inhumane and diabolical.”
This line should be how these trainings should be started and this should be the theme of such conversations. We are not doing these acts of terror due to the fear of POSH, we are not doing these things because of the fear of tears. Tears and trauma that we will inflict on others for our own material pleasure. When such ideology gets infused into the human minds, a utopia like never is created by the most civilized mammals on this planet.
We are governed by the tears and trauma that the other person will bear for the rest of his/her life and that is something we don’t want to see. Empathy and kindness are governing the human conscience and that is an excellent way to build a better world.
The second example is actually related to human relationships and the love that we shower at each other due to various reasons. Nowadays, adultery is a common practice and has been observed by human civilizations for decades. People commit adultery in many ways and it has been condemned by the woke section of mankind. When we try to introspect on this whole concept, what is the need for adultery? I mean, why are we doing it in the first place?
If the human mind is able to recognize its emotions in a rational and intellectual way, it can save millions of hearts from damage. Human beings observe the feeling of love, infatuation, lust, and admiration. All these emotions are often misinterpreted as love. When the real purpose of these feelings is realized, the human mind sets off on a new adventure to fulfill its material desires.
If the human mind comprehends love and affection from a deeper perspective, the whole act of adultery will be eradicated from the society. People are no longer afraid of the society, law, or God; they are afraid of the betrayal, tears, and sadness they will cause through their actions. When these feelings and ideas are discussed and implemented in our daily lives, we tend to move closer towards the utopia mankind imagined for itself. A utopia which is not polluted through the negativity and malevolence.
So, am I asking to dethrone the system? No! I am asking you to deeply think about the beautiful concept of empathy and how it feels to be empathetic towards each other. When that feeling gets observed to your soul, you will feel better and more human than you have ever felt in your entire lifetime.