Photo by brut carniollus on Unsplash

Mental health is an often debatable topic in mainstream media.

It remains a popular topic for influencers, content creators, and famous personalities.

I often feel that these topics are often used as a selling point by people. They use such topics to boost their public image and spread awareness in the most wrongful way possible. So what’s wrong with their approach?

Well, mental health doesn’t revolve around Depression & Anxiety. These are the two most commonly used terms by today’s generation to describe mental health. Having a bad day, stress, sadness, and failure is often irresponsibly linked and associated with depression.

Depression is a broader term which requires proper diagnosis. It also has major symptoms which can help us further conclude the results.

Anxiety is a normal human emotion and it’s not a disease. Many times people blatantly talk about anxiety. They often say “I have anxiety” and relate it to mental illness.

That’s actually a logical fallacy.

Anxiety disorder is the real psychiatric problem. Generalised anxiety disorder is another example of mental illness associated with anxiety.

Patients often feel anxiety even without any external fear or danger. There are many physical changes which create great distress for them.

Are these the only two???

In reality, there are many diseases and every one is different from the other. We have ADHD, OCD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Autism, and PTSD. We have many more mental illnesses as well.

The mainstream media and government often fail to acknowledge such things and raise awareness about these problems.

Mental illness is often deemed as being retarded, psycho, and mad.

Terms like crazy, mad, and psycho are often disheartening and hurtful for people with these issues. We must ensure that we create an environment which provides acceptance and assistance to people with such mental issues.

How we can provide them comfort and help them contribute towards the society and economy.

I would like to share the story of John Nash who invented game theory. He was an intellectual and a highly intelligent and qualified individual. He suffered from schizophrenia for a majority of his life. This proves and shows us the direction where we need to move. We must provide proper resources and accessibility to information and facts. This will help us in better understanding of these problems to show our support and assistance.

Mentally ill people can recover and do wonders in the world.

They can break mountains and rocks.

Stop stereotyping them and diplomatically excluding them from society.

The government should start initiatives to make the public places more accessible to mentally ill people. Resources which provide benefits to them and help them live a normal life with dignity.

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