Photo by Emilio Garcia on Unsplash
“Crawl through”, I was told,
Through the space so small
and the bulky me
Will never pass through
A tiny hole they dug .
Fit in, that's the norm!
The sounds wounded me
When I walked slow
When I was meant to run alone
Never think, but follow,
Chimed my people hollow.
But I struggled to match up
My path wasn't the same to follow
“Look at yourself, always lagging behind”
“Weakness”, they said, needs some work in time
Through my window I used to watch
And capture the sights
Slow moving clouds have witnessed
my words, shining bright.
When my wings were strengthened with all the blows
I knew I wasn't born to crawl and rush through holes
Wide expanse of sky awaited me
With promises alluring,
I was reassured, I was born to fly!
The chain like words tried to hold me back
deaf I was ,to the screams, forcing my path
The sky, is where I belonged, I sang,
my wings formed my bulk, I nurtured all along
I waited for the wind, beneath my wings
And then I soared high, looking at the sky
The wide expanse, with nothing to stop
I soared high, my golden wings unfurled.
I looked down to see the sight,
rushing through holes, a familiar sight!