Today there are many changes in our society due to the application of science and technology. Technology is developed based on physics mainly. Also, we found that the basis of physics is math. Growth of math increment range of physics. For example, in ancient times, a lot of math geniuses started the growth of the math area from zero. Until a few years ago, we were involved in the arithmetic concept of math. We would like to introduce the modern or scientific concept of math that began with function. Play an important role in the growth and opportunity of all investigations of modern-day physics; day to day, many top contributions arise in several areas. Classical physics at first improved quickly so that the civil and many major branches of technology grew immensely and changed the surroundings across us. But our aspiration to face problems of our regular life becomes easy due to the corresponding revolution of technology.
Our society nowadays puts peak progress in all areas of my life, viz., work, education, communication, health, welfare, etc. We should have maintained all work to achieve a supreme position amongst all. The living standard of all who live in society directly depends on its educational part to grow. At present, the status of the environment of education at first needs to be well before gaining technological education. For example, if a man in our society wants to attain technical education from the Institute, then he must be good in their educational background first. As we know, physics is the most important part of technical education, which needs well and enough knowledge of mathematics. One who has not had a formal education in their life cannot be good in math because they need thorough practice and continuous study. Up till now, we are already familiar with the primary education of children in which they study arithmetic-based concepts for a long time, but it is the fundamental base of all study. Strength in a subject depends on the hard work and dedication of the aspirant. Thereafter we can be able to face problems related to our regular lives. Just a few years after we connect with scientific concepts and have to study all. Master-based commanding after we find interest in the science area, mainly physics. Our well-studied science is secure to peak performance in technology. We decide to steam and study them. Our study plays an important role in the cultural development of our society.
We observe the effect of technology in our society in various areas, for example, education, health, finance, and many more in our regular lives. Work in all said areas is done smartly with peak efficiency. All the ways are modified and put in different ways. Also, the income of this kind remains maximum. Follow-up time and regulations are also provided excellently. Interest and requirement of people increase with efficiency. Machinery tools and modern devices are grouped in different areas. Then the revolution of technology affects how we configure our society.
See this picture, which is mainly used for instruments for use in cultivating farms and well-farming by our farmers, for example, tractors and other types of machinery devices for use in the best cultivation of the farm. Modern technology contracts these devices to hold good in farming. We may absorb and cultivate long areas in the minimum possible time to make them comfortable for agricultural plants. In cropping, we also need many other devices, for example, a pump set, a thresher, a carrying machine, etc. Due to technology, we serve and energize with full fulfilment their self-sufficient dream to rise and achieve an excellent position in our society. This is only possible when technology promotes me as an integral part. Today farmers frequently use a lot of types of devices or machines in their best farming. This is one of the most important revolutions in technology that changes the culture and smartness of our society. Fulfill their dream and become a progressive situation in my life and the best for our country.
Official work plays an important role in all my areas; also, our growth and regular life directly depend on it. In various ranges of work, many instruments are required, as shown in the adjacent picture. For example, a calculator, camera, mechanical instruments, computer, etc. Present in our official system, we use it for a well-presented facility of the studio for an exclusive deal for any event. All our large-to-large work and projection happened easily due to these devices. In the course of working, we use these instruments step by step for smart finishing while it is not possible and serves our time and energy.
Without using these instruments. An important amplitude of technology occurs in our society too.
Present situation in India: the range of official work has widely increased in many areas because most people's work is directly connected with it. Truly we may say that all our progress and lifestyle depend on it so that we hold the best position in our country. Meanwhile, a group of educated people want to take official life as their first preference. Then the race for job security is highly in demand in India. Arise situation is an important part of technology for our society.
Instrument related to medical or health In the course of working, we assume some help from medical for face health problems for effective doing. Based on modern technology, the treatment system is now advanced to acquire fast performance. Before more knowledge, see this picture. Which is an instrument to solve or face health problems? At present, central as well as state governments have established many hospitals to help improve the health of the general public. However, some people use private medical centers in touch cases because having a modern technology system saves the health of people. If we consider the positions of different states across the nation, we find that those that belong to rural areas don't have good medical centers for the general public.
A high advantage of technology is seen in various cities for serving the lives of people with serious diseases. Well, living in the moment of society is possible based on modern technology.
As we knew earlier, the topic growth of the theory of science directly increases the progress of technology. From the beginning, important areas of science have continuously increased; for example, classical physics, mechanics, current electricity, electronics, and optics play major roles in modern technology. If we consider the incipient beginnings of the fundamentals of science, then many discoveries increase its domain. Data of educational institutions for science in India was not much larger than at that time. For higher study, only some counted institutions secure and fulfill the dream of the best study and research. The Indian Institute of Science, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bhabha, and Saravae are the best centers for study and research.
As the increase in the domain of science began, the development of technology. For this, the government of India decided to especially center work and study. A systematic study of different branches of technology started in different centers across the country. For various studies of technology in the country, IITs were established. If we consider data from 2001 till this year, only six IITs are in the country. But there are no continuously growing IITs today; a total of 31 IITs and many NITs are available for technical education in our country. Technicians and engineers act towards facing tough problems that arise in many situations in my life. Due to the special amplitude of technology, India is in the best position in the world.
Technology gives the modern configuration of our surroundings, i.e., across us. If we compare the life of a general person who resides in our neighborhood, obviously their position a few years ago remains very different from at present; his work and living lifestyle technology interchanges. In every sector of life, all people want a great achievement in their regular life. Communication and travel have significant changes as well as many remarkable achievements. Efforts of people interested in modern devices, which are useful for life. The great advantage of technology is that it observes with high efficiency in different main sectors of my life.
Start from landline phone Modern discoveries present us with wireless phones, not only but also large devices we may use successfully by smartphone. All written-type data, pictures, and videos are covered by these phones. Present-day smartphones work as an integral part of our regular life to solve many arising problems in different areas. To fulfill their initial requirements, we use devices like computers, scanners, pagers, etc. In developed situations, one often observes various applications of the internet as the main device through smartphones.
In construction, design, and management of projects with the help of modern technology, which is an emission of investigation of science. In our regular life, we often use rail and transport for a long and little journey. It may happen while we cross a helical curve path; often rail passes such a path. Remember, in such a way there are notifications for the maximum of vans or rails traveling on it; also, the driver follows such instructions. Otherwise, an accident may happen. These are possible only through mechanical engineering. In the department of civil engineering, processes are manufactured for highways, roads, bridges, underground or metro stations, etc. Today there are a lot of the biggest bridges, over bridges, and platforms that are the best achievements of modern technology. One important application of this technology is producing electric current through the current of water. Today there are many hydroelectric plants situated in the country. Heavy source establishment provided enough energy supply to all main cities, but also today remote-to-remote areas use power supply successfully. Electrical technology has a high increase in the cultural development of our society. Our dreams and aspirations for achieving in different areas are tough to tough, as problems face us through modern technology. Technology plays a very important role in changing all types of environments in our society.
Finally, continuous progress in education provides the best position for science, and these concepts attain great development or success in technology in all areas. A few years ago, all our systems faced great difficulty because the progress of our primary requirements was not sufficient to give complete accuracy. The beginning of technology discovery from the wheel, which rotates about an axis that passes through the center and encloses distance. It was the start of the technological skill of humans. Due to great achievements in technology, our journey is possible in a few minutes with the help of airline services. Similarly, the modern development of technology holds fast or develops situations in all areas, viz. Traveling, trade, communication, etc. We say that the advantage of science is that anybody in the universe knows, though technology produces products that are frequently used in our regular lives. All parts of the country, mainly the interior areas, improve nowadays due to the high amplitude of technology. Science and technology gave us modern India as I like. Our best wishes for the continuous progress of technology.