Image by AJS1 from Pixabay

And then it takes you back,
To those sun-kissed days,
When laughter and joy
 Was not just a memory!
It was true happiness within 
And you had a genuine smile
Together with the closest folk
With whom you endlessly spoke!

But now times have changed 
Years have passed, priorities altered,
As we gradually drifted long apart!
From a circle of unbreakable four to a lonely one,
Our friendship shattered 
With none but silly chatter.

Regret not my lost friend,
Bid thoes days a happy farewell,
Cause that was destiny's call 
Which brought us away from all.
And made your most joyous memories 
The worst nightmares you ever had!

But then your heart leaps up
At the sight of your dusty bicycle
Memories overflood your brain
Flashbacks bring silent tears
You painfully smile over again
Recollecting those rides You cherished 
Which had been long forgotten in the rug shack! 
And then you miss those days so much more
Which you thought would last forevermore!!

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