Photo by Matteo Badini on Unsplash

Drug abuse refers to the use of certain chemicals for the purpose of creating enjoyable outcomes in the brain. There are over one hundred ninety million drug users around the world and the trouble has been increasing at alarming rates, especially amongst younger adults under the age of 30. Drug dependence reduces a man to a senseless and ridiculous thing, It creates social parasites and criminals only.

Drug addiction is a disease that can happen to anyone, however, it is most frequent in youngsters and young adults. Drug dependency is not only a physical issue, it's additionally a mental issue. It is an epidemic that’s killing human beings each and every day. Drug addiction is a danger to the fitness of our society, and it’s happening more and more.

The main factors that lead to this addiction are Stress and anxiety. After taking drugs, these addicts find relief and enjoyment, because it takes a person away from enlightenment. Regularly, it becomes their addiction and they feel uncomfortable & difficult to live without it. In fact, Drug abusers commit crimes and utilize their ability in illegal activities to satisfy their addiction. The report also revealed that people aged 15-64 years are using prescription pills for non-medical purposes. Blinded by their addiction, drug addicts grow to be selfish and take no duty to their families. I have seen many addicts who are married, but have left their households to suffer on their own. Drug dependency does not have an effect on just the abuser, but society at large.

While interacting with my Uncle, Mushtaq Ahmed Mir (a retried lecturer) about drug addiction in Kashmir. He revealed that there was no concept of this curse (drugs) among us even in our college life. The number of drug customers in Kashmir has expanded appreciably in the last few decades, and now it needs to be controlled as quickly as we can in any other case the destruction in youths would increase, he added. There are many reviews that exhibit how drug abuse among formative years is on the rise and how they are blinded by their addiction.

It is believed that no longer only uneducated people, but school and university students, both boys and girls, are addicted to Drugs like heroin, hashish, etc, and that there has been a quickly developing style of drug abuse among college students staying on the academic campuses. When it comes to students living on the campuses of boarding academic establishments away from the supervision of their parents, special vigilant teams should be set up on the campuses to ensure that these students do not fall prey to such addiction.

There are various symptoms, the most common is when a man or woman is unable to manipulate their drug use. For example, when an individual starts to overlook their responsibilities, such as work, family, or school. Drug addiction often begins with human beings experimenting with capsules and it can rapidly flip into an uncontrollable problem. Drug addiction can cause many serious penalties such as, intellectual illness, physical health problems, and even death. It's essential to be aware of the symptoms of drug dependency and be aware of what to do if someone you love is struggling with drug addiction. Teen drug abuse can also lead to serious illness or death. Some of the health risks of commonly used drugs include the risk of heart attacks and strokes for teens who abuse cocaine.

No comprehensive statistics are available and solely sketchy data cannot address this horrible social issue. There is a need for scientific surveys to be carried out offering the area, age and gender of the drug addicts with a socio-economic historical past of each and every man or woman and the household they belong to. A complete motion diagram towards the actual perpetrators — drug mafia and all those who are worried in manufacturing, transportation and facilitators in access to drugs — should be launched.

Such measures are no longer taken for the first time, but, unfortunately, the government never tried to discover the root reasons of drug addiction. One does not need to apply rocket science to recognize it is the drug mafia which is accountable for this menace. With the growing use of drugs, the government needs to introduce heavy penalties and extreme punishment for those who are caught promoting narcotics, particularly those who sell it to youngsters. The government should take serious steps in this regard and help the youths become productive citizens of society through rehabilitation. The government should conduct awareness campaigns on the dangers of drugs, and take prompt action to stop it from ruining the life of our youngsters.

Although campaigns have to be initiated to create awareness of the harms of drug use, people have not stopped becoming drug users. A viable solution to this problem would be to introduce primarily/school-based drug abuse prevention programmes all over all over India especially in J&K that involve parents and students and enable them to talk about health and drug use. Until then, perhaps, the rates of drug misuse will remain high all over the country. Drug abuse is hazardous and regarded to be customary among people, there is a need to amplify the focus on unsafe results and to change attitudes. There is need to educate our society particularly students about the detrimental consequences and the moral and religious implications of substance abuse, which is more likely to have an effective effect than increased policing and prevention of drug use. There is a lack of student-counselling facilities, and awareness programs, in Jammu & Kashmir.

Government, schools, colleges and NGOs should frequently organise programmes and seminars to make conscious students and the general masses about the repercussions of drug addiction. Job opportunities should also be multiplied so that unemployment does now not become a purpose for depression and stress. It is essential to eradicate the roots of drug addiction so that the future of Kashmir can be saved.

Young people most possibly try using drugs when they are around with their friends who take drugs. But with the proper kind of friends, it's most likely that you will no longer come across such. Our friends can have the biggest affect in our choices, the way we assume and in our activities. Choose your friends wisely. I sincerely hope that the youth of Kashmir will never ever try to consume drugs and will completely stay away from its use. Remember that our country needs you as you are its future.

In last, I want to write some lines for the youth of Kashmir about how to stay away from Drugs.

  • Devote yourself to your studies and different productive things to do at home or in school.
  • Stay away from people, locations and activities that promote drug use.
  • Learn to control emotions and cope with stress except for the usage of drugs.
  • Develop a strong moral and spiritual foundation.
  • Educate yourself about the outcomes of drug abuse.

Always say NO TO DRUGS!

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