Peacefully making our way through December 2019 with eager thoughts for the then-upcoming festivities, not one must have thought about the unending pandemic that was to fall upon us. With such unbelievable valour and wave, the coronavirus disease swept the world. Rather than the disease being a tough one to cure and fight against, it was the speed at which it spread. Such speed made the situations vary after every step or decision that was taken, forcing everyone to think of a new alternative almost immediately. No rest, no time, no chances to take the wrong path, and the stress about when another wave would wash our efforts to vain, left our mental health at the brink of wreckage. Care and knowledge about mental health gained more exposure than ever, as people faced lengthy lockdowns, and varied policies to counter this pandemic. Thousands of voices and opinions coming forward each day, trying to quell the effect of Covid, some lasting while others miserably failing as humans still continuously work to make their way out of this incessant widespread.
Yes, of course, there are few rays of hope now and then, with the numbers of cases increasing as the days pass. Countries opening up their border, global industry sweating to get back on track, vaccines being introduced and tested for all age groups, and many other measures which prove that we are at least putting up a stand against the ceaseless cases. And then again clouds hover over those meager rays, and we hear some countries going back into lockdown, or never actually completely being free of it, their economies taking backslashes one after another, government’s and the people's opinions clashing, thus giving rise to political, social, economic and industrial stress. Distress over not having enough labour, yet the increasing unemployment and sacking of employees who cannot possibly provide for their families without their income, prove the confused state that this global pandemic has led us to.
Quicksand. That is what this pandemic is. All the difficulties and result of this long-lasting pandemic has clogged up and taken another shape that is easy to delude us into thinking that it's alright to take a step in, to take one more chance. Then, the moment we do, all the issues liquefy converting into something else entirely, completely unexpected, making us lose our balance as we fall into the endless loop again.
Businesses and globalisation's ruin aside, what about the students? Most think that they are the ones who have had it easy. The belief that lockdowns are just another overly extended vacation to them when that is certainly not the case. The entire future generations to come have faced a harsh blow, yet probably children and teenagers are the ones who have adapted the best out of all.
A bit of whining here and there is nothing compared to the boulders of change that they have taken upon. The timeless challenges and requirement to consistently mould into someone who can survive in the current situation have turned children into heroes of their own.
Covid and end seem like two words that won't positively belong to a sentence till a very long time unless to make an oxymoron (Something like 'Covid end' that would mean or adhere to a task or event that never ends). For now, staying on your toes, staying in contact with others around, and staying updated with the latest information is probably the best way to try and keep working towards an escape from the claws of COVID-19.
Of course among these multiple downsides, there have been one or two good things. The prolonged and repeated lockdowns around the world have led to a drop in pollution. The shutdowns of industries and factories, travel bans and reduced usage of vehicles have improved air quality and reduced noise pollution. Not to mention, the surge in the number of birds and animals spotted across cities. Migration patterns are being affected as birds stay at one place for longer periods due to the healthier ecosystem.
Another advantage would be time for reflection and self-introspect into one’s life. Earning enough time to dedicate to loved ones and other hobbies that one had quit for quite some time, and regaining all the little things that once were the important parts of their life could probably be listed as the joys of the lockdown caused by the pandemic. Connecting with people and getting used to technology the way you never thought you would. Learning, growing, and developing into a more independent person. Realizing that change is inevitable and that you have to master how to thrive alongside it. But still, at the end of the day, none of these positive insights would be enough against the cruel weighing reality of the pandemic. After all, humans are an interactive, communication-dependent, social species, and to snatch away the freedom to go out explore and flourish by telling them to keep themselves redistricted within their homes is never going to be easy and normal.