Anurag Barua, a former central government employee, lost his wife ten years ago. After her death, he arranged the marriage of his only son, Nikhil Barua, to a girl named Sheetal. However, Sheetal is not as gentle as her name suggests, and understandably so. Her husband has no interest in working or earning a living, wandering around aimlessly and sitting idle. Their life is sustained by his father’s pension.
Barua ji has made countless attempts to persuade his son to start working, but his son refuses to listen. In such situations, Sheetal’s temper flares up, leading to chaos. For the past five years, Barua ji has been trying to prevent these conflicts, but they show no signs of stopping. Meanwhile, Sheetal and her family constantly clash with Barua ji. Nikhil, on the other hand, washes his hands of the matter, saying, “I didn’t marry her because you told me to, so you handle it,” and then leaves the house.
Barua ji is in a very difficult situation, caught between Sheetal and their one-year-old grandson on one side, and his own son on the other. When such problems arise in a household, peace and happiness are completely lost. This is exactly the state Barua ji finds himself in today. He is exhausted from constantly answering people’s questions and has lost all hope that Nikhil will ever listen to him.
One day, Barua ji decided to distance himself from everything and sit quietly to think about this issue. After all, it concerns his son’s household. As a father, he feels he must do something; otherwise, after his death, his son’s life will be ruined. This is why he is compelled to sit alone and ponder over the matter today.
Barua ji proposed to his daughter-in-law’s family that Sheetal should mutually divorce Nikhil and marry him instead. This way, once she becomes his wife, she would receive a government pension after his death, as well as free medical care for herself and the child. However, he added a condition that she must continue living with his son for the rest of her life, and this arrangement would only be for appearances.
Hearing this, Sheetal’s family became very angry with Barua ji. He remained silent for a long time, and then suddenly said, “Your daughter can divorce my son, take some money, and live comfortably for the rest of her life. Now, it’s up to you to decide.” With that, he left, leaving Sheetal’s family sitting there, stunned.
When you talk about benefits with someone, they quickly understand, just like Sheetal did in this situation. She agreed to the arrangement because receiving a government pension of fifty thousand is no small amount. Moreover, as time goes on and inflation increases, so will her pension, ensuring a comfortable life for her.
Barua ji’s son was relieved of his responsibilities. Today, both stood in court, stating that they have not been living together for the past two years and that she has been staying at her own home. Therefore, she doesn’t want anything except a divorce. Mutual divorce is the easiest and most straightforward way to end a marriage. Consequently, within just three months, their divorce was finalized.
Barua ji’s happiness knows no bounds today as he marries Sheetal in the temple, following all the traditional rituals. This is Barua ji’s second major achievement, which is being fulfilled today. The photographer is busy clicking photos of the wedding, while Barua ji is engrossed in taking the seven vows. As he ties the Mangal sutra around Sheetal’s neck, the photographer captures the moment, and Barua ji’s proof is finally ready.
Barua ji is now ready to get the documents made. Wherever he goes, people stare at him for a while because the address is the same, only the husband’s name needs to be changed. Taking such a risk requires a lot of courage. While society silently curses him, he knows that with a government job, he has to get the work done. So, he got the documents made. As soon as Barua ji received the documents, he immediately went to his office and submitted them. If the government is clever, so are the people; they always find a way around things, just like Barua ji did today.