Photo by Josefa nDiaz on Unsplash

Merriam-Webster defines brain drain as “the departure of educated or professional people from one country economic sector, or field or another usually for better pay or living conditions”

Causes of brain drain

For example for scheduled caste, scheduled tribes and below poverty line category people have subsequently reduced seats for really qualified people. These factors have triggered inequalities amongst the 21st-century public. However, this factor has been controlled by the present government to a large extent.

Another example is in the organisational field.

Let me narrate an unlucky incident. I am an experienced teacher with distinction achieved from Loyola College of Education and bb level.

Unfortunately, I have been working here in this institution for nearly 23 years in my early years under the leadership of a strong leader. I enjoyed my teaching profession a lot but a dramatic change occurred when a lady from a corporate world and teaching nursery classes was suddenly appointed as the Principal by the committee. Under her dictatorship, 7 teachers resigned. I knew that I would be in the next category to be forced to resign. I was overloaded with work, meaning to say, I had to keep standing for 7 periods including my usual timetable. I had to shoulder the responsibilities of organizing every event and getting appreciated by my leadership. Sorry to say, less educated teachers having no command in the subject, were promoted to higher classes. I felt a sense of rejection as the school had been divided into Bengali and Bihari lobbies. Private institutions did not follow the 7th pay commission standard which was a major drawback. The basic reason for my hardships was that I was an extrovert and told things in the open about the things that were going wrong. Eventually, I made up my mind to resign and start working at home on an online and offline basis because I felt that now I should be the master of my own mind. The right-to-information program for classes one to eight is causing a menace for students getting promoted from 9 to 10. As a result, there is a drop in the board results and consequently, children cannot think of any career programs. The dropouts finally get frustrated and end up losing their lives. So the question arises if education is really being imported in the lower classes and why it is proving a challenge in the higher classes.

On one hand, the Ambanis and the Adanis are progressing by leaps and bounds. Poor people are getting poorer as there was a major crackdown on job opportunities. Lady junior doctors who protested much were made to work for 36 hours overnight without any security leading to loss of lives.

  • Very sad to mention the increasing number of students with graduate and post-graduate degrees are seen on the street side running businesses of their own with no certainty of earning and growth prospect
  • Political crises as in Bangladesh, and the war in Ukraine and Russia have caused millions of people to flee from their countries and seek shelter in the neighbouring countries as refugees which is an extra responsibility for the government to shoulder.
  • In the field of research avenues, such as in NASA and developing software developing equipment at high prices like CPAP in Australia where most of the Indians have been recruited to give shape to their dreams is making us shameful
  • In the industrial sector, skill-oriented people having diplomas go unrecognized as their talents are not trapped in campus selection. They are shifted from their industry to industries located in smaller states and richer states where they find their future very bleak.

Corporate people leave their jobs due to low pay and hunt for jobs in colleges and institutions like schools where they teach nursery classes and suddenly get uplifted to the post of Principal by recommendation from company committee members. What happens then? Teachers leave as they cannot work under dictatorship and poor people as their sole motto is to extract money from students by unfair means and stop the progress of more educated teachers as it can serve as a threat to their existence.

It is time for the Indian government to rise to the occasion and adopt healthy measures to check the growth of the uncontrollable population. Efforts should be made by the state government to help in improving the image of India. We should learn from developed countries like China, the US, France, and Russia how they are leaving us technically behind and dependent. We need to bring back the Golden period of India in the 21st century by collective responsibility of every individual.

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