Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Adulthood stage of a growing child might be troublesome days; either for us or for our siblings or for both; particularly in this up-and-running digital stage. However; if we would pay our attention towards everyday lifestyle, especially towards even trifle matters of our child; then during looking after sessions, they would not seem desperate at larger extent.

A 14-year-old boy named Rohan; who usually told to his parents about even useless matters also but now his behaviour is absolutely changed. At this time; he spends his too much time along with his friends but if at house someone asks to him about something then he replies peevishly. On seeing his bad-tempered deportment; especially his mother gets too much irksome feeling; she could not fathom the cause of Rohan's ongoing conduct. In fact; it is the effect of adulthood; because at this juncture a child bears too many changes in their internal body parts. At this stage; they are even in their sensual exasperation also, but their parents do not try to understand the causes. Specialist says clearly to us that in this course children face such changes generally and they even behave also out of track from time to time. Therefore; no need to feel distressed; do not put pressure at them to follow us; instead of it; try to give them the right direction with an idyllic sense.

To behave with such child stoicism and affinity sense we must have; because during this time in children harmon transformation event takes place; even their physical development also happens too fast. They do not want to play with other children while adults eschew them. Due to harmonic alteration; they start behaving infuriatingly with others. Hereupon; they do not want to talk more with their parents and want to spend their time alone. Thereby; it is better here that we should not interrogate them extensively. If their mental sense does not seem normal and give reply with annoying sense; then it would be better to leave them alone for a while. Later on; when their sense will seem normal and pleasant then we could interrogate them and instruct them that at a particular time, their deportment was out of the way as well as; instruct them that whenever; we feel annoyance then we should drink cold water and try to keep our mind cool.

Moreover; if we want to know our child at this stage; to which type of sense has been revolving in their mind; then; do not try to ask any question directly because it might go out of our way and they would not even give a proper reply; instead of it; make them to sit along with us and then start talking with them in such a way as if we talk with our friends; means to say here that; try to make such situation wherein they would tell about themselves openly without any doubt. Usually; ongoing adults invest their maximum time along with their mates and friends however; we can talk with them during breakfast or dinner time because here place and time both will be proper and even function will also go apparently. Whereby; if we are not getting an appropriate chance there; then we try to be involved in their study. See carefully; how much their syllabus is imparted in their school and even see their preparation also such as class work and homework; even check their diary also because if a complaint comes in diary to be signed by their parents; even some students do not show their diary to their parents and get signed also by some other way. If in this course they are caught then; do not punish them; take that matter mockingly; automatically that child will start to become obvious before us by opening their mindset; however; here; be careful and keep restraint and harmony scale in balance between us.

Do we know that whatever we wish that our child will wear and eat; would they accept these happily? In fact; we shall have to determine these. Additionally; whatever rules we shall make; at first; make them to understand those rules basically. It must not be that whatever; we have told them; they should follow. An adult can cross our determined gridlock instinctively; for example; why would not they take part in their school night festivity; here; keep censure but that must be logical not by force; then they would follow our command. Furthermore; along with their movement, our inspection should be but here also to be careful; we should not visit their room often or instruct them from normal things or acts. In spite of all this; we should keep knowledge about their friends also; sometimes we should make them to call their friends to our house also. Due to this act; we shall come to know about their friends also and even judge their character; quality and many more. Herewith; their activity will seem under discipline and before doing any unwanted act they will consider it deeply because one fear would be in their mind that if they would do something wrong then their parents would become aware and in response, they would get punished easily. As a result; along with affinity; discipline must be.

As well as; when the child grows; in their etiquette changes will come instinctively. Here; if we see any change in their sense; behaviour; activity; eating habits etc. then start paying attention minutely. Therewith; behold carefully that which action they did not do now; after doing which action they feel too much happy. Although; if such changes we watch then instantly we ask to them friendly and without any criticism as well as; try to help them here. Due to such a response of us they will become fearless and without any oscillation they would tell about their quandary. In addition; whenever we talk to them then our view should be positive and creative. For example; if we shall tell them about their study then; tell them to labour hard to get better results instead of scolding them.

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