Image by Omar Medina from Pixabay
How would we forget,
Those bitter sweet days,
No cares about duties,
Or waters of seven seas.
Rolling around with joys,
That were in Nature born,
We would on trees play
Eating fruits every day.
Ah jealous of our union,
Few kids had problems,
They kept us at distance,
From games to entertain.
Wandering would we go,
Both steady and slow,
Across vast grasslands,
Laughing hand in hand.
Our mornings being busy,
Attraction too worked easy,
Playing our favorite tennis,
Or painting beautiful fairies.
Singing songs while indoors,
That were spry like a horse,
We played with picture cards,
And you preferred hearts.
To our respective schools,
We walked, learning rules,
Waiting for the finish bells,
Ignoring what teachers spelt.
Telling each other things,
Spent we cool evenings,
Understanding but so little,
Why humans humans kill.
But the wise guys around,
Our bond immoral found,
So our elders did resolve,
To prevent future wrongs.
To some place unknown,
You were packed alone,
For so called fine skills,
And ideal womanly tips.
For ten hell like years,
Studied I bookish verse,
With an all absent mind,
Seeing my insides blind.
Thanks to the only picture,
That I hid in my old purse,
Missed I my love so much,
And couldn't sleep as such.
Happiest was that day,
For my feelings so gay,
From an aunt of mine,
Heard I the news divine.
To your ancestral home,
You next day would come,
My excited heart smiled,
Anticipating of my light.
Dressed in your favorite white,
Visited I the tree now drying,
Hoping you still remembered,
How we spent long summers.
So faithful to my faith,
For two hours did I wait,
And at last you walked,
Reviving the barren paths.
Like the Spring flowers,
My soul bloomed as fair,
As striding fast forward,
Met two hungry hearts
Our new found pleasure,
Was meant to last an hour,
As I incredulously beheld,
The enemy approach raged.
A fatally decisive fight,
Broke out under skies,
Hit I the cruel brother,
As he dragged you there.
Finding him cold and dead,
We most miserably wept,
With no choices but to run,
We had to elope, stunned.
Maybe it was destiny,
To live far from family,
So to bury ghostly past,
We our lovemaking start....