Bhagwatgita or Bhagwat + Gita means "A song of God". This song was sung 5000 years ago by the Godhead of supreme personality lord Shri Krishna in the capacity of teacher, friend and cousin to Student Arjuna( one of the five Pandavas). Bhagwatgita is a manual of Life. For example - If we purchase any product then we also receive its manual. A manual is just a set of guidelines to be followed for the smooth functioning of a product and therefore we can enjoy the results of the product in the best possible way. In the same way, the Bhagwat Gita is a manual of Life or say oxygen of life. This nectar has to be taken earliest so that all students irrespective of their academic status, job status, salary status and life status can be happy and sound.
Think, what will happen, if the warranty of the purchased product expires and then you read its manual? Similarly, Bhagwatgita is not a subject to be taken in old age. It will be of no use. Another example - Suppose an "APP DEVELOPER" develops an "XYZ" app. Now again think, Who will be the most suitable person to give guidelines to users for proper use, maintenance, do's and don'ts, etc related to the app? Your answer will be " APP DEVELOPER". Similarly Supreme creator of this entire creation has bestowed upon the purpose of his creation, proper use, maintenance, do's and don'ts, etc in a manual called Bhagwatgita.
- In this fast-running volatile material world, after birth, all of us face our true identity crisis which is who we are, why we are here, the purpose of our arrival on this globe, etc. The maximum knowledge that we receive is only limited to material gain that is how to come first in class, how to get selected for the best packages, best possible way for material accumulation. There is no class, or school for mental happiness, eternal happiness, satisfaction and peace.
- Since we are conditioning our future only for material accumulation, competitiveness, and higher social and family status, therefore the result is anxiety, stress, depression, sexual violence( acid attacks) old age home culture, hate crimes, creating a set of human robots having a huge deficit in personality development, humanity and merits.
- 50-100 years back from now, there was no concept of SUICIDE in the Indian context. But now suicide has become a fashion and heroic practice. Academic failure ( Even in school), failure in competitive exams, job failure, married life failure, family life failure or any reason take one towards suicidal rope instantly.
- Unsolved National issues- Corruption, terrorism, poverty, law and order issues, Climate change, Economic crisis, National physical and mental health issues, population explosion, Pollution, cybersecurity, natural and human-made disasters, etc. All these outstanding issues originated when we lost our original identity, the purpose of this allotted human body and somehow severe deficit in personality development supportive to National growth.
- The collective reason for all problems are deficit in true knowledge and everything around is functioning on " HOW " or say just rituals and processes are followed. No efforts to convert HOW into "WHY" or say the purpose behind it.
- It solves our identity crisis issues that we all are Souls and not bodies. For some time and for some specific purpose we are allowed this auspicious human body. We have to attain material knowledge for material accumulation but keep SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE as its base.
- When we read, understand and implement the Bhagwat Gita in our day-to-day life situations, we have the potential to deal with all Worldly issues. We are free from anxiety, depression, sexual violence, Old age home culture, and hate crimes and humanity is restored as our outlook is changed now. We will see everyone around as the soul which is the energy of God interacting with us and not the body. Therefore we will develop natural respect, compassion, love and peace for everyone.
- All the Western educational institutions such as universities and schools are adding Bhagwatgita in their management, classes from top to bottom to counter all the outstanding issues specifically centred on stress, anxiety, depression and suicide. And also to change the outlook from GREAT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO GREAT HUMANITY LED PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT. Every institute should have this department for spiritual development and to eliminate KOTA SUICIDAL HOTSPOTS in our country.
4. When someone is in the true knowledge of the bhagwat Gita, he/ she realises that Supreme Lord Krishna resides in everyone's heart and notes our karmic accounts. Therefore, there will be a natural resistance to practising corruption, an increase in physical and mental well-being, a decline in law and order issues, and women's issues. Bhagwatgita can also solve issues related to Climate Change, population explosion and pollution.
5. Bhagwatgita changes our outlook from HOW to WHY., PROCESS TO PURPOSE. This will give a Paradigm shift in our lives, inculcating rational thinking and scientific temperament.
- DR. A.P. J. Abdul Kalam (Bhagwatgita - inspiration for Agni 5 series missiles)
- Dr Homi Jhangir Bhabha (Bhagwatgita - source for Indian nuclear research program)
- Dr. Vikram Sarabhai ( Bhagwatgita - source for Indian space research program)
- Issac Newton ( Bhagwatgita - Source of gravitational theory)
- Albert Einstein ( Bhagwatgita - Source of time relativity theory)
- Mahatma Gandhi ji (Independence movement strategy source - Bhagwat Gita)
- NASA's source for space lead - Bhagwat Gita
- Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji ( inspiration - Bhagwat Gita)
- J.Robert Oppenheimer ( nuclear bomb- idea, inspiration source - Bhagwat Gita)
- Mark Zuckerberg (Success source - Bhagwat Gita)
- Ford car company (Head success Bhagwatgita)
- Steve Jobs (Founder of Apple Inspiration - Bhagwat Gita)
- E. Shreedharan (Metro man of India, source - Bhagwat Gita)
Therefore We have to leave or pronounce nothing but we have to add, practice and implement the teachings of Lord Krishna in Bhagwatgita in our day-to-day life situations to attain peace, happiness, love, and compassion for every soul. Our life should revolve around Bhagwatgita teachings and offers to Lord Krishna. Our souls have been codified to attain love, peace and happiness. So everyone is running for the same. We have only to run as per Bhagwatgita to attain our ultimate aim. Everyone should take this spiritual, scientific, philosophical and divine nectar called Bhagwatgita to attain true success.
Hare Krishna!
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