Photo by Aaron Andrew Ang on Unsplash

Some of us like to get lost and some of us are actually lost. We all have created our own spheres and we are extremely busy in it. This sphere is all we have and the sphere has swallowed us gradually. Considering this sphere as crucial for existence and existence is meant as living a life we always dreamt of, till some point this sphere engulfs us so deeply that we accept ourselves as lost. I will simplify it, as life is not any more simple, where we have already complicated it with societal standards, expectations and unnecessary stress. Honestly, we have forgotten our reasons, ‘Why are we working so hard?’ Finally, what is the outcome of all these workouts? We all share nearly the same story, a fast morning with rush hours, a quick lunch followed by submissions of a day and winding it up with extreme exhaustion. And swiftly ends a day, quietly yet hurriedly and at the same time screaming loudly "Am I worth it? ". But we are mortal fools and eternal deals.

When we were kids, we often heard, "Go get a future first". Finally, we all got it, some as expected and mostly dealing with compromises. And finally, we are living in the future. But the future we are living in right now, how much are we satiated with it? It's easy to conclude, I'm pretty satisfied with myself. Unfortunately, the dreams which kept searching us had started compromising with our lives. Our life got limited by a tight schedule, more or less like a tight dress or a shoe with which my body couldn't fit in anymore. Very few, rather say a handful among us have realized the missing piece of jigsaw here. But as always it seemed harder to solve the puzzle, so we left it unsolved. We had already stopped listening to our hearts. If I am happy being a workaholic, that's fine. But until and unless the machine is oiled, its efficiency diminishes. How long will you expect it to work devotedly? Whenever our heart skips a bit, we are ready to enchain it. Many among us have mastered the art of slavery here, you are the master and your heart is a slave. Rather it should have been, I'm a slave and my heart rules me. The biggest villain in this story is our super-intelligent brain. No wonder we are humans, nature's supercreation.

Ask yourself honestly, when did you listen to your heart for the last time, keeping your brains aside? How. many times were you able to satisfy everyone’s request? Were you able to break the rules and stand against others' expectations? When did you spare some time all alone with yourself? Have you ever been to a self-date? Have you ever tried 'me time' fun?

If you have at least having 3 positive answers to the above questions, I'm happy for you, you are alive and not LOST, congratulations. There is no harm in getting lost, when we have such a beautiful earth. Why always work and work ... you were supposed to be a Homo sapien and not an Equus asinus.

We have already completed our childhood, complicated our teenage and compromised enough of adulthood, what more are we left with? Before that becomes a boring tale, it is time to live it all again little by little and search for yourself again. We are humans; we are like beautiful tales, with so many chapters to open and complete before we create our fantastic personal storybook. The book is being written page by page but we are stuck in the same old chapter. Open the other chapters too. Let your heart find you lost in yourself. Where is your escape, search it! Where are the shady afternoons? The stars are still there, we stopped gazing at them. The rains came and went, we stopped drenching for fun. Where is that old diary, the precious witness of our amazing days? That is you. The sun and heat still miss us badly, the a.c. is our step-friend. We getting busy in life was never appreciated though, criticism is - was and will be our bestie forever. What is left? No one is going to think about you unless you start prioritizing it. Everyone is chasing behind some superficial profit and at the same time ignoring the inner peace and happiness. Do you really consider it as a part of the plan?

It's very true that a big part of our life we will be sacrificing for our achievements but after all that run, exhaustion will ask ‘ Was it all you wanted?’. And that day even success will seem too minor, in comparison to all the efforts. What is the use of it all? There is no harm in taking baby steps and there is also no harm in taking some rest. It's important we give priority in feeding our minds with healthy notions, give rest to our mechanisms for a better output and keep our soul happy with goodness. The world will be rotating even if you stop pushing your office doors for a day. The act will go on, whether you are watching it or not. The songs will go on even if you aren't listening. That is life, but our approach isn't correct towards it.

We have first of all squeezed ourselves into life and now we are simply sticking to it rather than living it. You should find yourself in silly acts, wild laughs, serene afternoons, caffeinated mornings, uncarved stony stairs, noisy cartwheels, hairpin roads, bonfires and many more moments, moments who kept waiting for you eagerly all these years, expecting the noise of your footsteps. Trod on it, the journey is all that matters, the destination is the same. And when you find yourself trekking on your choices, swinging to your playlists, spilling beans while stirring flavourful joys and laughing wildly at yourself, remember me - I’m sure you will. That is where this cycle of hardships is actually rewarded. And no one except you is capable of making this generous judgment. We have come so far, our struggles in building our future will all go in vain if we are not living the present, the way it deserves. So, before getting lost in life, it's better we get lost for a while.

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