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Amidst this vast surface, there are individuals who not only live by their own will but spend their precious time for the sake of their ancestors. On this earth, we have great personalities who are very dear and near to Allah Ta'ala. One of them is a descendant of our Prophet named “Qutubuzzaman Sayedina Syed Alibi Bin Muhammad Mawla Al Dawlia Al Husni Al Yamni Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu” He gave Islamic and religious message in Mamburam city of Kerala and proceeded with religious contributions, and pour in the mouth of all the infidels there, the holy words of Allah Ta'ala "La ilaha illallah" and in everyone's mind the fear of Allah and the fear of the Hereafter and love for our Prophet (PBUH)After that all local and non-local residents paid attention to him, Then the nature and behaviour of people changed, everyone started concentrating on Allah. Qutubuzzaman Syed Alibi Mawla Al Dawlia Radi Allahu Anhu is affectionately called “Mamburam Thangal” or “Arabic Thangal". Thangal means Syed in Malayalam, and Syed means party leader. The title of Tangal is the title of the descendants of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, So he is also given the title of Thangal.

Birth: Hazrat Quthubuzzaman Mamburam Thangal was born in 1166 Hijri in the month of Zil Hijjah in a village called "Tarim" of Hazaremot. His father's name is Majeed Sayedina Muhammad Bin Sahal Mawla Al Dawlia Radi Allahu Anhu. He was a great shareholder. God understood the importance of faith and time, and he was also an old man. His mother was a noble and beautiful-hearted woman. Who was from the Jifri family, whose leader was Hazrat Ma Fatima bint Muhammad(PBUH). Tangal Sahib was a man of integrity and was reckoned with great scholars.

There is always a beauty emanating from his extraordinary demeanour and character. Hazrat Qutubuzzaman was one such person in the history of Islam who did not think only about his nation, i.e. the Muslim nation, but also thought about many other nations of Islam.

Education and upbringing: Hazrat Qutubuzzaman started his education at his home. He focused on his studies from childhood and was quite intelligent and clever. He got his primary education from his aunt. His aunt's name was Hazrat Sayedina Halima Bibi Radi Allahu Anha. Thangal sahib collected all the books for his primary education from the big scholars there. Then, he got his primary education and higher education from his maternal uncle. His maternal uncle's name was Sayedina Hasan Jafari Radi Allahu Anhu. He was a treasure of intellect, so he became Hafiz e Quran at the age of eight. Hazrat Amdat Al Aslin Sayedina Hasan Jafari Radi Allahu Anhu was able to take care of his intelligent niece for a very short period and prepare him for later life. Noor of the Jafari clan, the peninsular of that clan, Quthubuzzaman Mamburam Din, to spread the message of Islam. 1159 Hijri set foot on the land of Malabar. He spent his entire life serving Islam and giving charity to the poor. A few years after that, In 1168 Hijri, he proceeded to Kerala before submerging Malabar in the ocean with his wisdom. He was a man full of wisdom and kindness. Hazrat Quthubuzzaman Mamburam sent the inhabitants of Malbaro in a big boat to fulfil the Tohid, meaning Allah is One. 19 Ramadan1180 He reached the city of Calicut in Hijri to spread Islam. Hazrat Quthubuzzaman was a great personality and mentor. So he was a fatwa writer and used to reach the people from the Caliph of the time. Among his notable books is Al Saif Al Akhtar Liman Yuali Al Kaffar Wa Ittahad Wanhum Min Dunillahi Wa Rasooli Wa Muminina Ansar. This book was written as an answer to eight questions posed to him. It was this book that incited the people of Malabar to antagonize the English and to oppose them. So, the inhabitants of Malbar sacrificed everything to make the country free from the British. They were willing to do anything to free this India of ours. All the people from Malappuram to Chirubazar became bloody in this battle. Hanging ropes were installed in places in the city. Thousands of Malabar residents were beheaded. Some of these warriors still have their names written in golden letters. Among them, the one who was always fighting against the British was Mamburam Thangal. He fought the British with fearlessness and courage. Al–Saif al-Battar, Iddatul Isra and Tarikhul Arab and Arabia are recorded among his prominent books.

Death: Finally came the day that was a heartbreaking day for greatness, The day that the sun was no longer kind The sun was also a member of that heartbreaking day that saw the passing of a great personality. That day, the sun hid itself behind the clouds, and the beauty of the white-red sky in the evening was lost. Then came the day when the hearts of thousands of the murids of him were crushed. Then came the day when there was a great loss of greatness. Then, on Sunday, 7th, Muharram 1260 Hijri in the evening, a great leader of this world passed away from this world to the next after spending 94 years of his life. His grave was built next to the Jamia Masjid in Mamburam. Through all these processes, he left an impression on Malbara. Thousands of people still come to visit his shrine and shed tears at his shrine. Among the famous shrines of Kerala, His shrine is the most famous. Where a large number of people are always absent, and there they see the blessed grave of the great man and meditate on Allahu Ta'ala.


  • "The Sufis of India: The Legacy of Sufism in Kerala" by K. K. Aziz
  • "History of Islam in Kerala" by M. A. S. (Mohammed Abdul Salam)
  • "The Journal of Kerala Studies" (University of Kerala)
  • Local Islamic Institutions(Websites of mosques or Sufi centers in Kerala)
  • (Bengali article) 

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