Image by Bishnu Sarangi from Pixabay

What does this black bring to you then? Well, when I have a slice of bread in my hand, I am looking for some butter and when I need to go out in the rain, I strive to seek an umbrella. I need things depending on the situations I find myself in. Different things for different situations. But what is that one thing that we all need in the sun as well as under a shade? What is that one thing that we look for in both pleasure and pain?

What does it do? How can it help us in our happiest moments even? Why do we close our eyes? Why do we need it dark? What can you find in the darkness? What can one find away from light? Why do we need it dark when we are sleeping? What do we get in that darkness? Sleep? Dreams? Peace?...

Why can't we remember ourselves and all those experiences of our body and mind that we have while we are sleeping it deep? We remember our dreams though. What is our state of mind in a deep sleep? Oblivion? Why do we have to then come back to wakefulness at all? What reminds us to be awake again?

If we travel in Space then why is it ever so PREDOMINANTLY DARK with streaks of luminous celestial objects flying around? Is light then a distortion of the truth? Aren't we then supposed to see at all in the light? But then we can't see in the dark. Aren't we supposed to see it at all? With our eyes closed and having cut out all the light coming from outside we can't see anything... but we see the darkness, right? We can still witness dreams with our eyes very much closed. And memories... What then is this seeing all about?

A battlefield. The battle is about to begin. You are fighting your cousins and your most respectable teacher to death. And you suffer a nervous breakdown. The psychiatrist is hired. What is the nature of the counseling that is required on the part of the psychiatrist to pep you out of the doldrum that you got into?

You are not blind. You see everything with your eyes. And you understand very well that the very sight of your near and dear ones now posing as your enemy is hurting you the most. The psychiatrist asks you to close your eyes...

You close your eyes and you hear a voice talk to you in the dark. You are suddenly aware of yourself and with the voice continuously talking to you, you are even more aware of yourself. You realize finally that the voice that you are hearing is not in your ears but somewhere else. You realize that the voice is yours only. There isn't any 'you' then, but only Me. Slowly but steadily in the fullness of time, I get this that it was never a battle in the first place. Nor any battlefield. There was never any cousin or teacher posing as the enemy. There is nothing but Me: Krishna: The color of Consciousness.

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