Importance of Boys Education in Our Life.

Education is a constitutional right of every citizen that prepares an important role in life as an individual and brings a revolution to society. An illiterate person understands the Importance of education better, and a chance does not have to visit school in their life. You must be wondering why I have emphasized boys education over girls.

Every youth must be educated to build the nation uniquely, it may be a boy or a girl. We being modern Indians never partialized everyone in gender, but every one does not think as I think. So why should I not emphasize more on 'boys’ education?

Here providing education to males does not significate towards school and college education. Getting a degree from reputed college does not say as educated. Being educated means each man should respect  women and know how to behave with girls, respect the other women as their own sisters, mothers, daughters.

No doubt India is growing very rapidly towards developing countries and adopting new modern technologies in our day-to-day life, at the same time few men are becoming so vulnerable.

All parents /family members of the country worried about the safety of their female members. Some of the most know phobias of females are haphephobia a fear of touch, and Virginitiphobia is the fear of being raped and sexual assault.

The crime branch of Delhi submitted an article saying:

Crime against women in the Capital increased by 63.3% in the first six months of 2021 as compared to 2020, data shared by Delhi Police showed. The data states that rape cases saw an increase of 43% from 580 till June 15 last year to 833 this year, molestation jumped by 39% from 733 to 1,022, kidnapping of women from 1,026 to 1,580, abduction of women from 46 to 159, and dowry deaths from 47 to 56.

There is a famous slogan of Govt of India.

“The Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” (BBBP)

The scheme was launched on 22 January 2015 by our PM Narendra Modi, it aims to address the issue of the declining child sex ratio. One of the increasing crimes in India is Rape cases. As per the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2019 reports says, Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India. 32,033 rape cases which translates to a shocking 88 rape cases a day, and this is just 10% of all crimes against women. Experts say that picture could be far worse as most such crimes go unreported in the country.

Each time when rape is done by any insane man we keep on protesting that. In the end, we get nil results in our protest. It is the time to educate our male family persons to respect women at the same time let’s bring some revolution in society through the new thought of “Beta Padhao, Beti Bachao” (BBBP).

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