Recently, there have been so many social media outrages and debates revolving around the concept of the Evil eye and whether it is real or not, and how other people’s negative energy or wishing bad upon us can lead to our downfall. While there are a lot of contrasting opinions about this concept, there is no research or scientific study that can prove whether this is real or not. I firmly believe the notion of the evil eye is rooted in superstitious and cultural beliefs that people who are envious of your growth or the light that you behold wish bad upon you or send curses your way which ultimately leads to ill health or losing the abundance that is present in your life.
In my stance, the belief that someone can cast an evil eye on you and control your life is completely flawed. Envision yourself constantly believing that other people’s actions and thoughts can have control over you and leading your entire life operating on a constant fear of bad things happening to you, how atrocious is that! In this article I break down the concept of the evil eye, the innate fear that you behold behind the evil eye, how it is holding you back and what you can do to live more fearlessly!
The evil eye refers to the belief that others can cause bad luck or misfortune in your life or even remove good things that are already present simply by casting a malicious glance or wishing negativity upon you. In a way, it resembles manifestation, as if someone feels envious of you and harbours ill will, they may unintentionally bring about a series of unfortunate events. The evil eye is a supernatural concept suggesting that a malicious stare can bring misfortune or harm and there is no scientific proof validating the existence of the evil eye. This belief exists in numerous cultures, such as the Mediterranean, the Balkans, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America.
In recent times I have witnessed a lot of social media outrage on the topic of the evil eye, where people have expressed fear of starting their new social media page, launching their business, putting themselves out there, sharing their achievements or simply just being more vocal of what makes them happy, inherently because of the belief of people casting an evil eye and robbing them of potential happiness that can enter their life and turning their present joy into misfortune. This essentially translates to ruminating in the constant paranoia of believing that everyone is out there to pull you down and wish the absolute worst on you. When a person goes through a difficult situation, like poor health or job loss, they might attribute it to the evil eye as a way to explain why unfortunate events occur to good individuals. Another aspect of the evil eye is that it can occur unintentionally; sometimes, we may feel envy towards friends or family, and that envy alone can allegedly cause misfortune for someone else. This belief is why many people think it's essential to safeguard themselves and ensure they maintain a degree of privacy. Now that you have a clearer grasp of the concept of the evil eye, let me explain why and how it can significantly hinder your progress.
Essentially since primitive times, our minds have trained and evolved into focusing more on the negative than the positive, which as a result habituates us to hyperfixate on the negative that happens to us, while turning a blind eye towards the optimistic things that exist around us. Evil Eye encourages a victim mindset with the notion of why unfortunate events occur to good individuals, rather than recognizing the insights and strength gained from challenges that contribute to personal growth. Instead of viewing the situation positively, people must be envious of me," or, "I shared my business and now sales are low; it’s unfair that people are wishing poorly for me."
This leads to a fixation on scarcity, feelings of inadequacy, and the belief that those around you don’t genuinely desire the best for you. Consequently, you become engulfed in negative energy, which monopolizes your attention. If you're familiar with the principles of manifestation you know that your mindset shapes your experiences. Thus, the more you dwell on negativity and entertain the notion of the evil eye, the more it will materialize in your life. Furthermore, adopting a victim mentality and believing that unfortunate things happen to you unjustly fosters increased fear in your life.
The law of attraction is a concept that suggests cultivating a positive attitude will draw more success and happiness compared to a negative one. Furthermore, this "law" influences every aspect of life, including health, finances, and personal relationships.
While some may interpret manifestation as a spiritual or metaphysical endeavour, others view it from a psychological angle, highlighting the influence of mindset and intention on behaviour and outcomes. To manifest successfully, individuals can begin by defining their goals, envisioning success, maintaining an optimistic mindset, and taking regular action toward their ambitions. Combining manifestation techniques with practical goal-setting methods can assist individuals in directing their energy and focus toward achieving desired results while promoting a sense of empowerment and self-efficacy.
Manifestation revolves around the law of attraction, meaning you draw in things based on the energy you emit. When you operate higher on the vibrational frequency scale—at levels of love, joy, and abundance—you invite more of those experiences into your life. Conversely, dwelling in fear and having a scarcity mindset pushes away any possibilities for abundance. Every individual I’ve talked to who insists the evil eye is real seems to believe in its power. It's crucial to be mindful of this; many people discuss their dreams and aspirations yet fail to act on them due to the fear of the evil eye. As I mentioned earlier, the essence of your thoughts shapes your reality and belief system.
When you’re preoccupied with the belief that others don’t want the best for you, you limit yourself from pursuing your goals, as your mind defaults to thinking negative outcomes will follow. However, addressing this is quite simple. I once spoke with someone who claimed they could sense the evil eye of others, and I countered by asking them to consider the many people who love and support them unconditionally—people who genuinely wish to see them succeed, like their partner, parents, and close friends. Interestingly, those supportive individuals are often overlooked, replaced in thought by strangers and acquaintances perceived as wishing ill. To be perfectly candid, you are likely not as central to others' thoughts as you believe. I’m not dismissing your feelings—perhaps people are envious of you—but for each critic you encounter, there are likely ten individuals who care for you deeply and wish you well.
When your focus shifts to the positivity and encouragement present in your life, your confidence begins to flourish. What we give our attention to, shifts our perception and that eventually shifts our thoughts which end up changing the way we act. If you believe in the power of the universe or behold spirituality close to your heart, the firm belief of the divine force protecting you should be so strong that the idea of the evil eye and other people wishing bad upon you should sound unfathomable to you.
Another aspect of why people believe in the evil eye revolves around the idea of locus of control that an individual possesses in oneself. When you think that you have power over what occurs, you possess what psychologists term an internal locus of control. Conversely, if you feel that you lack control over outcomes and attribute them to outside influences like the evil eye, you are said to have an external locus of control.
At the end of the day, what you decide to direct your attention toward tends to expand, whether it’s the positive aspects of your life and the things within your control or the negative aspects or uncontrollable elements like bad energy. If you pay attention to what successful individuals share about their journey—how they dedicated themselves, believed in their abilities, began practising gratitude, developed a more optimistic outlook, enhanced their self-talk, improved their relationship with themselves, and deepened their knowledge of their field or passion—you can observe the distinction. Ultimately, I suppose it all boils down to mere bad luck, right? So, is bad luck truly a thing? The idea of luck is merely a placebo stemming from your energy. There’s evidence to back this up, as well as the fact that people's experiences vary depending on their belief in luck, their dismissal of it, and their view on whether they are fortunate or not. Research has shown that individuals who consider themselves lucky often encounter better circumstances in their lives than those who do not.
Dreams can become a reality. There are individuals out there who are truly achieving what you aspire to and surprise, they haven't faced any negativity. Once you realize this, nothing will stand in your way; you will feel incredibly motivated and secure as if all your aspirations are within reach. This is because there are others already making those dreams happen, and now it's your turn to step into that reality as well.