Photo by Ofspace LLC on Unsplash

The young are the inheritors of tomorrow. Every effort should be made to remind them of their heritage and provide them such guidance and inspiration as may be needed to prepare them to face the future with enthusiasm and confidence. In the present situations and conditions, it may not be possible for Schools and Colleges to equip youngsters to meet life’s challenges but the business organizations where the youngsters step in to groom their future and ambitions in life can play, to an extent, a pivotal role in moulding them with the right direction.

The business Institutions always employ managers, Senior Executives or the Administrators to plan, organize, monitor, facilitate and lead a group of individuals to complete successfully the company goals.

In a surrounding circumstances of tough and rough competition, increasing customer demands, changing technologies, tight deadlines and the pressure of bottom-line performance, managers often become more task-driven and goal-oriented. Hence they tend to forget the important role that they should play in developing their subordinates. They have a significant role in developing the staff and extracting a commitment from them. The key role of managers is to help the staff to maximize their potential.

Good Managers recognize that it is human beings and not machines, systems or products – that make any successful corporation excel. Eminent and conspicuous organizations have outstanding people behind them. Therefore, the main business of managers is to create the best staff with excellence.

The professional role of managers in developing people is to bring the best out of their subordinates. Managers must provide opportunities and a challenging environment to enable their subordinates to fully exploit their potential to excel in their work.

There are many ways a manager can activate this process to help his young subordinates achieve peak performance by setting high work standards, motivating the staff to perform, providing them constructive feedback, empowering them to take action, creating a sense of ownership, developing the staff with a consistent set of principles supported by a positive mental attitude.

The subordinates must be trained to continuously improve their work through self-correction. It is the manager’s role to encourage his subordinates to put their maximum efforts into each and every work assigned and praise them for their every sincere attempt so that they will have tremendous satisfaction and feeling which will automatically stimulate them to strive to excel the future assignments, opportunities and responsibilities.

Similarly, an effective way to groom and develop a subordinate is to provide regular and constructive feedback on his work and check the progress of the work from time to time. The manager should also try to provide a free hand, trust his subordinates who have the necessary experience, skills and track record to take action and make decisions on their own as long as they are within the policies set by the Company.

The managers should be very perceived, heard and be fair to all their subordinates and should be a good example by proving how they are dealing with their customers viz. very attentive, skilful, responsive, helpful, reliable, dependable, respectful, trustworthy, classy, courteous.

An Organization can only achieve outstanding results by developing its employees to excel in their work and the Manager who wants to leverage on his team of people to achieve outstanding results must also therefore move with a commitment for fully developing his subordinates.

Let me conclude this note with the quotation of Mr Henry Ford,

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress and working together is success”

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