“All crime is a kind of disease and should be treated as such.”
When it comes to the word “crime”, what is the first thought you get? Murder, rape, bullying, fraud, theft, etc. The way technology is advancing and various social media apps are updating is becoming very beneficial for humans but in the same way, is harming the mental and physical state of most of the human population. Cybercrime is defined as illegal conduct in which any electronic device is utilised as a tool, a target, or both. Cybercrime is a rapidly developing field of crime these days, and it is increasing at a rapid rate. Committing a crime by making fake IDs on the internet looks easy and escapable but, one day or the other the criminal shall be caught and will face punishment and humiliation on the same internet they committed the crime on.Cybercrime is not something people take seriously but it can have a huge impact on one’s life. Cybercrime shouldn’t be taken lightly. And, reporting cybercrime isn’t something immature or shameful. It is our right to report an offense committed by a stranger who has tried to bully us online or steal our identity or has uploaded any of our personal details like name, address, or photos without our authorization.
India has a separate cybercrime department or cyber cell which looks after all the criminal cases relating to online bullying or any online crime committed through any electronic device. Many people aren’t aware that India has got legal remedies for cybercrime. There are acts and laws which have been created to look upon sensitive issues like cybercrime and action can be taken against the same. Hence, we shouldn’t be afraid and take legal help if anything as such happens with us.
The Information Technology Act of 2000 subsequently revised in 2008, was enacted to set limitations for these types of attackers when it came to committing Cyber-crimes i.e. “cyber law.” This Act establishes sanctions and compensation for offences involving technology. When a person is a victim of a cybercrime, he has the option of going to court to pursue legal action against the criminal. The victim has the right to file an appeal in court for compensation for the wrong done to them under section 43A of the Information Technology Act of 2000, as this section covers the penalties and compensations for offences such as “damage to the computer, computer system, or computer networks, etc. “Anybody corporate that deals with sensitive data, information, or maintains it on its own or on behalf of others and negligently compromises such data or information will be liable under this section and will be required to pay compensation according to the court’s discretion.”
Section 65 of the Act covers the punishment for the offences which involve “tampering with computer source documents”, where according to the section, “Whoever knowingly or intentionally conceals, destroys or alters or intentionally or knowingly causes another to conceal, destroy, or alter any computer source code used for a computer, computer program, computer system or computer network, when the computer source code is required to be kept or maintained by law for the time being in force, shall be punishable with imprisonment up to three years, or with fine which may extend up to two lakh rupees, or with both”. There are still some gaps in the IT Act of 2008 since there are new and unknown cyber-offenses for which the law needs to stretch its arms and tighten its grip.
Here are also offences that are not covered by the IT Act because they are already covered by other laws, such as “Cyber-defamation,” which is governed by the Indian Penal Code, 1860. The term “Defamation” and its punishment are defined under this Act, so there is no need for a separate definition elsewhere because the impact of such an online offence is the same as it is offline.
There are many other legal solutions for the victims of cybercrime. But, we all shouldn’t be negligible and trust the internet or our electronic device completely just because it benefits us in some or another way. Clicking accepts options on various unknown sites is not always safe. The way we try to stay alert in the offline world, it is crucial for us to stay alert in the online
world as well. Be aware of the various sites you visit or various applications you install on your device. Stay alert and be careful. And, if any such cyber offense happens with us or others we need to raise our voices and try to take legal action and if the legal system isn’t helping, we need to pressurize the authorities to notice the online crime and punish the people responsible for the same.
Though certain laws and acts might help us fight cybercrime there’s much more to be done. Cybercrimes happen but it is in our hands to not keep quiet and utilize the legal solutions and appeal to the court for justice. The Indian government has also requested various social media applications to let them track offensive data and find the criminals responsible for the same. The punishment for cybercrime should be made severe. The criminal shouldn’t be easily let go.
The Press release on ‘Digital Exploitation of Children', by the Ministry of Women and Child Development states that sections 354A and 354D of the IPC provide punishment for cyber bullying and cyber stalking against women. Cyber-stalking of women was recognised as an offence, subsequent to the insertion of section 354D in the IPC through the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013. The government of India has also developed and designed a cybercrime portal to report any cybercrime offenses (cybercrime.gov.in). There have been many cases in India relating to fake Facebook ID’S who have tried to steal the identities of victims and uploaded the victim’s address or phone numbers or photos etc. and were being harassed for the same. But, legal action has been taken against the perpetrators and they were charged a hefty fine and put in prison for the crime they’ve committed.
Cybercrime is a core sensitive issue and cannot be neglected. Legal laws need to strengthen and the public needs to approach the legal ways to report cybercrimes. Strong cybersecurity in a nation is a necessity we never expected we needed. Let us make cybercrime the most important issue to talk about and cybersecurity – an important weapon to walk with.
The same device which gives you a million reasons to smile can give you a million cases to file!