Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

If at all, I can heal
A suffering, silent soul
Even to the least, I can
I feel my life is not in vain.

If at all I can help
A wanted soul in need
To the extent, I can
I feel my life is not in vain.

If at all I could soothe
A hurt heart that bleeds
In all the ways I can
I feel my life is not in vain.

If I can be of any help
To anyone outside my scene
In the best ways I can
I feel my life is not in vain.

If at all I can shower
On the unwanted bower
A little love for their smile
I feel my life is not in vain.

If at all I can control
The emotions in me roll
Silencing my rude and crude
I feel my life is not in vain.

If at all I can stand in bold
In front of God, palms in fold
To say humbly I used everything
He gave in full and emptied
I feel my life is not in vain.
I remain forever with shine.

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