Health promotion is a pertinent aspect in today’s time to raise the quality of life. It is a worldwide credence that wellness depends on many factors like patterns of consuming food, social economic situation, social status, family patterns, and environmental changes etc. The health education plan includes patient care through medical means as well as emotional means. Health promotion is required to be reinforced in to all plans and is applied effectively will result in constructive health consequences. Health promotion is a process of sanctioning people to raise power over and to enhance their well-being. WHO defines health as ‘‘the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being rather than mere absence of disease or infirmity.’’ Health promotion does not try to improve health on individual level rather it is an embracing plan and give attention to extensive health factors and determinants.
WHO defines health education as “any combination of learning experiences designed to help individuals and communities to improve their health, by increasing the knowledge.” The purpose of health education is to inform general public about promotion of healthy living, to create an informed body of opinion and knowledge, to facilitate the acceptance and proper usage of medication to make health an asset valued, by community to encourage people to adopt and sustain health promoting lifestyle and practices, to promote the proper use of health services available to them. to arouse interests, provide new knowledge, improve skills and change attitude in making rational decisions to solve their own problems, to stimulate individual and community self-reliance and participation to achieve health development through individual and community involvement at every step from identifying problems to solving them. The principles of health education are topic of interest, encourage people to participate, determine the level of understanding of people and fundamental desire of learning and reinforcement.
Primary health care is an essential health care system made world-wide accessible to individuals and acceptable to them through their full participation and at a cost the country and community can afford. We have seen in our surrounding that health care units are more developed in urban areas than rural areas. So primary health care aims to redress this imbalance by focusing on rural areas and bringing the services as close to people’s home as possible. The principles of primary health care are equitable distribution, community participation, intersectoral coordination and appropriate technology.
Health literacy is the potential to approach, acknowledge, assess and transmit facts in a way to increase support and enhance health in several ways during the life. It depends on education, language, fragmentation of care and time. Nurses need to consider health promotion as an important component of nursing practice in distinct health care units and society, alleviate and authorized people and their families to raise power over determining factors of health, operates in a cooperative relationship with other departments to promote community health, assess the effect of promotional activities of health and prosecute consecutive betterment, take part and bring changes in evidence-based practice in health promotion. encourage people and communities to contribute in the process of public health plan to promote the health of people worldwide.
Nurses have the responsibility to determine health requirements, developing content in health promotion, involving as a dynamic notable player in cross-sectional partnerships, addressing various aspects of health, assisting health promotion project, to bring about new knowledge and concerning on health promotion and supporting the individual and community at political and social levels. Improve health literacy leads to involvement in direct health action, improved health exercises and conduction, involvement in swapping social customs and implementation. These changes lead to enhanced health effects, healthy possibilities and chances.
The health education plan provides details about health and its importance as community strength, support criteria of healthy life, to take interim and protective measures in chronic conditions and to realize the benefits of healthcare facilities. Implementing a plan is the act of delivering plan’s aims and objectives to the patient and community-based health education programs. It is possible by making them participate in health education programs, by regular visit at general practitioner clinic to mark improvement in their health and for theoretical and practical knowledge.
Evaluation of a plan is the process to determine that the planned interventions of health education are achieving their aims and objectives or not. This can be done by three ways: Process evaluation: Evaluation of execution process to regulate and ensure the quality of treatment plan.
Impact evaluation: Observe changes in health condition by the effect of program.
Outcome evaluation: To evaluate the effects of program in terms of mortality, morbidity and improvement in health status.
Health promotion, health literacy and health education, all the three terms are the national approaches towards quality of life. Nursing interventions lead to improve health literacy which further incorporates educational sectors, workplaces and healthcare units. The education plan includes self-care strategy to reduce mortality rate and to increase life expectancy. Practical and scientific report states progress in the attempt to enhance health of population and provides evolution of new interventions with greater benefit and planning in future. Collaboration of mediation efforts lead to competently and productively healthy individuals. The interventions give special consideration to gender, socio-economic background, racial and ethnic background. These characteristics create the circumstances in which a person obtains approach to health promoting assets like, education, income and social support, and the hurdles that limit the healthy lifestyle like, demands.