Source: Antonio Cansino from Pixabay 

Oh, Dearly Thought, please give your ears to me.
An unbearable load of pain I'm carrying.
Because the earth is helplessly howling.
Sensational and exotic attacks the evildoers are making.
They add fuel to ignite radiation of my pain's feeling.
This leads the earth to add more wings in its howling.
Millions of lives are the prey to the pandemic virus, natural calamity and war.
These are beyond your control.
Because there exists ripen bitter fruits of sinful plants the human beings plant.
Oh, Dearly Thought, I know.
You're director of the mind and heart.
Occasionally, you guide me to focus on conscientious feelings.
Sometimes, you want me to perform duty having kindly feelings.
Because all these qualities are the mark of noble virtues.
Oh, Dearly Thought, you're an enthusiastic supporter.
Every time, you inspire me to get my wheel run on the road trafficked by noble deeds.
Whenever, I accidentally get derailed, you appear as an insurance agent.
You survey and approve the invoice value to compensate.
This way, you stencilled a mark of peace on my fate.
If you're sick, I'd go to hell.
My duty is to keep you hale.
Here is an appeal to you!
Increase strength to magnify do-gooder attitude.
Eradicate the root of evildoers.
And bring the humanism.
And make the world a beautiful edifice.
All these will bring in me a serene smile.
Trust, you'll remain as a dearly thought of do-gooder for the welfare of human beings.
Do remember !
It's God's blessings.
I am an omnipotent and omnipresent agent.
A lovely and sacred soul of yours.

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