Education is a process of helping a child to develop his innate potential to the maximum and bring about a change in a desired direction. To bring about these changes we teach them various subjects at different levels of school. So here I can rightly say that “DESTINY OF A NATION IS SHARED IN THE CLASSROOM”. Every Individual is born with certain potentialities. No two children are the same in growth, intellectual and emotional, etc. Children are potential human resources required to be developed into an educated skilled, sound, and efficient citizens who will fulfill the aims of social, economic, political, and technological development of society.
Timely and progressively, the New Education Policy marks a monumental milestone in the country’s revised education system. Thus it provides opportunities for the personal all-round development of individuals, to equip them with up-to-date and sound knowledge of modern technology, which will make the future generation drive unique innovations while making India a Global knowledge superpower. It offers students the flexibility to pick subjects in Physical Education, Arts & Crafts, Vocational skills and others. Skills such as logical thinking, critical thinking, and problem-solvingares are the messentialtant skills for success.
Introducing these skills while imparting academic flexibility will increase the quality of the workforce and unlock the construction of a new nation. It only creates a competitive workforce of the 21st Centand established India as a leader in disruptive technologies. Every child is to learn at least one vocation and be exposed to several more. Children with learning disabilities are enabled to fully participate in the regular schooling process from the foundational stage to higher education.
Here I remember the famous quote of Dr. APJ Abdul kalam “ EDUCATION IS THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON WHICH YOU CAN USE TO CHANGE THE WORLD” The Revised System involves the use of project making, field trips, and facing challenges in a controlled environment. It is the bedrock of future success as it bridges the gap between learning and doing. The discrepancy between theory and practice is overcome. The learning curve is enhanced as it engages the student's natural curiosity and boosts retention dramatically, helps evaluate the core strengths and areas of improvement for every child on a personal level with the use of the Revised Education System, which lays the foundation for holistic educational practices that create an environment that facilities life long learning.
Thus, this Revised system urges everyone to look beyond marks and grades. It will help liberate young minds from vices, superstitions, and evil influences, imbibing the cultures and traditions of one’s own country, also encouraging national consciousness and international understanding, and strengthening the bonds of unity which is the need of the hour. It will also help to achieve great success in the nation–building activity and promoting the growth of modern democracy thus creating global development.