There is a saying that a school is a temple of knowledge where education is worshiped and students are the disciples of the ultimate truth. But I feel that - A School is just like a garden where plants are grown for many reasons:
And this garden is filled with a number of students resembling trees where each one has a distinct personality not only external but internal too. Children have different interests, strengths, ambitions, dreams, targets, etc. Due to these different aspects, the school resembles a beautiful garden.
School teachers who are the greatest asset of the school are the caretakers of the garden. These caretakers have to strive towards it’s well-being.
As they sprinkle the water of their knowledge and add the manure of their experience, a tiny sapling develops into a full-grown tree. Teachers also have to remove the weeds. Weeds are that wild plant that is not wanted in a garden because it prevents other plants from growing properly which can harm the growth of the tree of man and the beauty of the garden. It's the duty of teachers to create a conducive environment. At times they need to be stern too. With the shower of their love acting as the fertiliser. They make the weed die and cover its natural beauty.
Students realise their strengths and identify the areas where they can improve. In harnessing the true potential of these treasures. Teachers play a vital role in giving proper shade which means education, sunlight which means brightening their knowledge, and protection from all odds and eves that children are facing in today’s modern world.
Teachers are struggling but still, they have to face many adversities that come their way whether at home or society, or at work, most important today facing is the problem of teenagers be it revolving around their homes or educational institutions. The conflict between parents & children, the teacher & student riff, generation gap, are some major issues baffling us today. With the intrusion of T.V, mobiles, the internet (as we use it the wrong technique), and the deterioration in the standard of our film industry children are exposed to sex, violence & existential standard of over film industry, present-day children have negative effects of exposure to violence, inappropriate sexuality, offensive language, alcohol consumption, deleterious effects on learning and academic performance and many more. In these days of sheer existential youngsters prefer to rush through comics or light romances rather than ponder over classics or cultural reading.
Blind Obedience, loyalty, and obedience to the parents were natural in the olden days because of the powerful hold of religion, and the extradition of customs over our society. Now to suit our economic and social changes over Customs & traditions have also become flexible and so have our norms. Again industrial progress and scientific advancement have played challenging roles in transforming the mental outlook of the younger generation.
Gone are the days when the teachers equated with God and held them in high reverence. Similarly, discipline and intellect training emphasis was given to building up character. The spiritual aspects of life were glorified more than their material counterpart. But, today the true value of our Indian culture and heritage have been thrown aside due to changes in the social environment, and the influence of western thoughts. Material needs are no longer considered a mere of higher life but have become ends in themselves. Essential life has as little triviality. It is autonomous and not automatic. It is living on purpose, with a purpose. It is a life full of personal meaning. This has happened because of the jet age, where there is a rat race for time, money, and superfluous fashion.
Lastly, I would complete it by quoting that Every single major push in education has made it worse and right now it's really bad because everything we've done is de-humanising education. It's destroying the possibility of the teacher and the student having a warm, friendly, intellectual relationship.