“Ask not what your country can do for you - rather ask yourself what you can do for your country."
Today, the world is home to the largest generation of the important drivers of global change and innovation i.e. the youth, contributing about 43% of the global population. A temper of the will, quality of imagination, the predominance of courage, and appetite for adventure make this huge cohort a vibrant, constructive force which can address global issues and create a more just, equitable, and peaceful world.
When we talk of corruption, it refers to the corruption in politics, government, industries, and so on. The insatiable appetite for money and the intent to go to any extent to take bribes have generated dirty politics yielding deeper roots of a greed-based system. Our leaders, politicians, and bureaucrats strengthen the network of corruption.
Many incidents of corruption we encounter, like question paper leakage in certain examinations, admission tests to different courses, forgery in documents, and fraud in teacher recruitment and admissions daily in the current scenario result in a lack of trust and cause frustration among the stakeholders. Corruption becomes the driving potential behind violating the examination-evaluation system.
The alleged use of unfair practices and disregard of merit in selecting academic leadership are usually driven by either lust for money or an attempt to favour someone. However, the University Grants Commission has formulated the rules and regulations for curbing these practices but still, we have to go a long way in this regard. The corruption in the education system results in intoxicating the values of future generations due to the poor quality of education which in turn will jeopardize the sustainability and growth of civilization.
The government should ponder upon these serious issues of this education system. The poor quality of students coming out of school education makes higher education more vulnerable and thus, in turn, it lowers the quality of higher education to create a pool of educated individuals but with deficient quality leading to unemployable graduates or postgraduates. It will also hamper the processes of nurturing innocent minds into responsible human beings.
In ancient India, education was worshiped and it was a dedicated system for complete human development that included physical, mental, and spiritual development. But, modern educational institutions have diluted this ideal and it has become a moneymaking business. Now schools are not a temple of education but they have become shops of poor-quality education. This has created gaps in the knowledge having consequences on access, quality, or equity in education.
Corruption is grasping the Indian education system slowly as we see a great change in trend when an entire generation of dedicated teachers was present in India highly motivated by ideals and principles to a corrupted system with political interference involved in teachers recruitment and transfer. Corruption is surely spreading its tentacles clutching the education system and its impacts on society.
Corruption is definitely a major drain on the effective use of resources for education and should be drastically curbed. The policy relating to recruitment, promotion, and transfer of teachers is yet to be formed in many states. Teachers pay bribes for their posting and transfers. Mostly Political leaders and high-level bureaucrats also attempt to influence decision-making regarding the recruitment and transfer of teachers. Nepotism and bribes are major types of corruption in teacher recruitment, posting, transfer, and staying at a choice place.
Corruption has spread its tentacles in every sector and nearly every strata. Termed a global problem, it's been common in both developed and developing countries. A corrupted person doesn't even step backward and is ready to sell the image of the country. The attitude of "myself and me" has led to this massive change in mentality. Corruption is also called a silent disease with harsh outcomes in India. This disease costs heavily to business, confidence, and the economic growth of society.
Our honourable prime minister Shri Modiji has tried to force a change in black marketing and combating corruption. A ban on big banknotes, goods, and services tax (GST) has made a litter difference in this context. It is like cancer in public life which has become so rampant and perpetuated. A country which takes pride in leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Lai Bahadur Shastri, and Kamraj is now facing the problem of corruption.
“Corruption sells and kills.
Try to save yourself from its tangles
Never cling to its deeds,
for it is the most unwanted weed”
The empowered youth from diverse backgrounds like food to fashion to finance are the forerunners of assessment, awareness, and action. They are the main stakeholders, policymakers, powerful resources in handling responsibilities, revolutionizing fellow men, and a catalyst for change.
Mother India, a young nation, has 250 crore arms and 200 crores of those arms are younger than 35. They are brought up with the ideology of Gandhiji - “Be the change you want to see in your country” to make India a strong and self-reliant nation.
Youth act as critical thinkers with their energy, voice, and actions. They have the capacity to identify and challenge the existing powers and expose the barriers to change. They are an effective force by suggesting alternative concrete solutions through the right to vote and encouraging people to advocate change in political decisions.
Youth voice matters!!
We, common people also evade tax, take rough bills, and pay down payments in cash without receipts. The common man is himself immoral, unjust, and corrupt. He wants things done out of turn and breeds corruption. People have to be honest and fair in all their dealings; only then can they combat corruption.
India is famous because of its culture and the great Indian cricket team. It was really very shameful for all the Indians that the Commonwealth Games in Delhi were a corrupted event with no proper arrangements for the foreign players and the courts and playgrounds were also not fully ready for the matches. This was the harsh outcome on the world stage. Only a few crores were used and the remaining money went into the pocket of politicians, contractors, and engineers.
It is not only the responsibility of the government but ours too. This elimination needs a joint effort and making it easier for our future generations. Strong and enforceable stringent rules and public education and awareness about corruption are the need of the hour.
Mahatma Gandhi once correctly said, “Be The Change You Want To See In The World.”
Former President Dr. Zakir Hussain stated that “Youth form the vanguard of the nation, which when properly channelized shall be instrumental for the development of the country”.With youth, comes vibrancy, and optimism. Yet a failure to invest can lead to energy turned in destructive rather than constructive directions.
Complete transparency, accountability, and easy accessibility at all rungs of the government can go a long way in solving the problem.
We need an united India where -
Poverty and Illiteracy are history,
Education becomes the priority
Agriculture and Health work in symphony,
Women and Children live in harmony,
Wildlife, Heritage, and Technology live with integrity