Cravings are far more likely to be a message from your brain about how you‘re feeling, than your stomach saying its hungry or that you have a specific nutrient need. We all have experienced food cravings. They seem to come out of nowhere, and it can be difficult to divert your mind from indulging in something sweet, salty, creamy, crunchy or fried. Have you ever wondered why this weird craving hits you out of the blue? Often when we crave unhealthy or strange foods, it’s a sign that something is missing from our diets. Here are a few of the most common cravings and the nutrients that may be lacking from your body.
Craving for cheese or cheese-related dishes is a clear sign that your body is not getting enough fats and vitamin D. You might think of cheese as a potent source of fat and protein. But your brain knows better, Cheese also contains natural milk sugars. Cheese and other dairy foods serve up calcium and vitamin D, and it's not uncommon to eat insufficient amounts of these nutrients.
Scientifically, it is proven that chocolate makes people happier, in case you are craving for more; it’s a sign that you’re bored, unhappy, or bummed for any reason. If you crave chocolate, it doesn’t mean your body has a chocolate deficiency, although I think most people would prefer that. If you’re going to eat chocolate, choose organic cocoa and mix it into a healthy smoothie, or eat a small amount of dark chocolate because that is unlikely enough to deal with a magnesium deficiency. Chocolate is rich in magnesium, so strong cravings could indicate a deficiency in a mineral vital for your skin and hair.
Ice cream:
Craving for ice-cream during a meal or finishing the meal in a rush to grab the ice cream waiting in the freezer is a sign of an upset stomach or digestion issues. It works as a warrior against heartburn and stomach acidity.
Things to remember
Spicy food:
Spicy food is hot and if you are craving for it that means your internal system is hot too. When you eat spicy food, it cools you down, you sweat more, and the sweat evaporating off the skin has a cooling effect. The imbalance in the body could be because of thyroid or uneven digestion. Spicy foods, such as curry or hot red peppers, are yet another common craving among pregnant women.
Pasta is loaded with high-energy carbs. And if you are craving for pasta after a hectic day where physical activities were involved then there are chances that you could be lacking nutrients or calories. You're dehydrated. Thirst is often masked as hunger. So a craving for pasta, which helps your body retain water, could mean you aren't drinking enough or you are losing water (through sweating, diarrhea, or vomiting) faster than you're ingesting it.
It is full of sodium and probiotics. Craving for pickle means you are craving for either of these and sodium could be indicative of dehydration. People who crave pickles could be low in sodium, but there's no real proof of this. Some like the crunch some like the vinegar, and some like the refreshing taste. Whatever it is, pickle cravings are nothing to be too concerned about. They're low in calories, easy to get, and inexpensive.
Candy is full of sugar. Craving for candy is a sign that you're probably tired, sluggish, or weak as candy stimulates the blood sugar level and gives instant energy.
If you plan your meals a week ahead, you can eliminate the uncertainty of diet every day which helps you to reduce the temptation or craving. Drinking of water is another easy way to get rid of craving as it often confuses the hunger. And if not, then it will still certainly help you to reduce the level of craving. Surprising but yes, it’s true, slowly eating is also a probable solution for less temptation for any food which you like the most. Eating required protein and enough sleep every day is accepted as the successful solution for badly carving habits. Healthy snacks or meal a day is again one of the best solutions for reducing the craving. It helps human body to satisfy the urge to eat unhealthy food or snacks at an inappropriate time.