Nurses have been playing a key role from the very beginning of the organized healthcare systems across the world. They are the key link between patients and doctors and take exceptional care of the medical needs of the people. Nurses continuously provide service to the patients, being the backbone of the healthcare system in hospitals. To respect and make people realize the important work and service the nurses conduct, International Nurses’ Day is celebrated across the globe.
International Nurses’ Day is celebrated around the world every year on May 12. This day is marked on the birthday of the founder of modern-day nursing Florence Nightingale. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has initiated this celebration and this council is a federation of more than 130 national nurses’ associations (NNA), representing the millions of nurses across the world. Every year, the ICN selects a theme for International Nurses’ Day and public awareness.
The theme for the International Nurses’ Day 2022 is set as “A Voice to Lead - Invest in Nursing and respect rights to secure global health.” Nurses have consistently played a major role in healthcare services, recovery, and well-being for innumerable people across the world. During the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses worked tirelessly, and with other frontline workers, they were hailed as COVID Warriors due to their service in the most testing times. And has pandemic has apparently revealed the need for real investment in the profession of nursing and modifications of the rights of nurses.
With the rapidly transforming healthcare sector, the role of nurses has also been evolving as well. As the backers of patients and professional care providers, the role of nurses has been more significant in fulfilling the modern-day healthcare requirements of the rising number of patients with time. And by marking International Nurses’ Day, we honor these real heroes who are one of the most essential parts of numerous healthcare sectors globally.