Source: Eliott Reyna on Unsplash
Reading is one of the best qualities that children can learn at an early age. It helps in building knowledge and confidence and increases the imagination power of children on a significant level. The Maharashtra government is taking positive steps towards making reading regular to school children by a 100-day campaign of reading. This campaign is launched by the state education council in government schools among the students of standards 1 to 8.
The new reading campaign is aimed to enhance language expansion by developing a continuing interest in reading. It is essential to form an enabling environment and options for activities like reading and writing. The Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT) has assembled separate plans for distinct classes to follow over the span of 100 days of various reading activities. The Director of SCERT M. D. Singh has stated that the implementation of this campaign will be the primary responsibility of the entire team involved in the education system of Maharashtra. The Director likewise stated how poor readers cannot develop proper writing skills and are most vulnerable to dropping out of the education system in later years.
This reading campaign will be conducted till April 2022. Creating such reading habits can be beneficial to create some basic skills that students require to learn to be thriving in life. And such habits can also provide immense benefits to students in their school life and careers.