Name me a thing that can last long,
Guide me a place which can verse its own song,
Pray hymn as well to please the lord above,
To get back your long lasted love.
Cry not for the forsaken love,
Because you will surely meet the cupid's dove,
On your way to be free from all shakles,
And to start believing on the words of chapels.
Name me a thing in your life that can be brought back,
Or when the world say that they want you on the right track,
Never believe a lie as fragile as these,
Or else your soul will be forever ceased.
Forget not about the blame they brew,
Forget not about the pain they drew,
Because you only want them to be happy,
But it doesn't mean that can't be scrappy.
Tell me the loveliest gift you have ever received,
Because it will be difficult to buy this through deceive,
Never tell me that this gift just cost a dime,
As, those gifts can never be compared to your loved ones' time.
Know me not as a person you like,
Because I am the one who can brutally strike,
Know me not as a person of kind,
Because to me, you are just a person-faultless.
These words are not just a lesson you must learn,
It's about the dangers that I warn,
To the world, you are just a spare,
But to your loved ones, you are their only rare.