When gallant Cupid, shooting from the Lord’s Rainbow,
Showers down arrows of vibrant color after a downpour,
When in shy response, petite Earth blushes all green,
Then I remember you, my tiny angel, dolled up in elegant blue,
Rolling in merriment on the grass, licking up the heavenly dew.
When the knightly Sky blows kisses at damsel Earth,
By sending gentle breeze through her silky locks,
When Lady Earth makes many an elegant curtsey
By bowing down her beautiful green tree heads.
Then I remember you, running with the breeze, clad in dainty little shoes,
Trying with breathless laughter to catch a playful butterfly.
When at twilight the returning cattle march in disciplined single-file,
When a little calf bouncing with energy hops around in glee,
Then I remember you rushing to take the wee little one in your arms,
To shower it with affectionate kisses even though it is all dirtied.
When the Lords above, sometimes in a different kind of mood,
Fire up the sky with lightning and send frightening thunderbolts,
Then too, I remember you, dear one,
Rushing terror-stricken to your mother’s safe bosom,
So very confident no harm can befall you there.
Today, though you, my daughter be grown up and far away,
These fond memories continue to sweeten my days.