Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

What even is a conversation? literal definition of conversation is when two or more people talk. Putting emphasis on "two people" it can't be called a conversation when it is a single person constantly talking while the other one just listens. When it becomes a recurring thing then the listener just becomes an emotional outlet or to put it simply "a trauma dump can with no boundaries". The lack of boundaries then sometimes blur the lines between being a good supportive friend and being taken advantage of.

Not to villainize the talker, but for listeners mending their ears to others' problems and not having the time or energy to think or talk about their own problems to someone else leads to a pile of emotional burden of their own as well as the person whom they constantly listen to putting their mental well being at risk. when the burden becomes too much to handle then the breakdowns start. Generally, it is not that listeners have someone to comfort them instead it is them alone in their room crying their eyes out while the feeling of loneliness makes the situation even worse. Then the urge to dial someone familiar arises but their call is left unanswered that definitely describes the misery of a listener who doesn't have a listener.



To put it in simple words a listener is someone who likes listening more than talking and then they overdo it to a point where they just become 'a taken for granted trauma dump can'. Sometimes unfortunately when they gather the courage and open up to someone they either get ignored and the topic is quickly changed or the person on the other side makes everything about themselves their problems, their issues, and their hurdles. Not receiving the same level of attention and understanding in return the sense of non-existence arises.


It happens quite often when these categories of people are dehumanized and are given the name of 'shy', 'introvert', 'he/she doesn't talk much'. When in reality they haven't been given the chance to talk in the first place. They are humans too just like everyone else, listeners also have their own struggles and experiences they also want to feel understood and validated. They also need guidance and advice on why is it always that they are being put on a pedestal. Becoming the go to person for advice while having no one to give them advice the listener feels like they exist solely to fulfill the needs of others as if their voice is insignificant compared to the voices they listen to.


In the pursuit of being a good listener, one may neglect their own needs and desires. This self-sacrifice can lead to a diminished sense of self. This constant neglect of self makes it even harder for them as when they don't put themselves first no one else would even put them on their list.


Listeners are often seen as the strong pillars of support who can't be weak and they most definitely should be strong and composed in the face of others. This constant roleplaying leads to the suppression of their own vulnerabilities and emotions while their true self remain hidden.


while being a listener can be a meaningful role, it is essential to acknowledge the potential existential challenges that may arise. Every Listener needs a listener too from whom they can seek support. After all a healthy relationship is where they can be both listeners and heard. Self-introspection is also necessary as it gives insights on one's needs and desires. By prioritizing self-care and setting boundaries listeners can find a healthy balance between supporting others and nurturing their own sense of self.

At last, it is important to state if one does not feel heard it is time they make themselves heard. It is not worth to burden one's mental well-being over other people's well-being. It is necessary to surround oneself with people who do not just take but also give. Sometimes being selfish is important as it saves one from being taken advantage of. 

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