Photo by Dewang Gupta on Unsplash

In an incident showcasing religious harmony, a mosque was inaugurated by a Hindu seer in Bhanapur village of Kukanur taluk in Koppal district.

The mosque was inaugurated by Abhinava Gavisiddeswara Swamiji of Koppal Gavi Mutt on last Friday. He regards that it is not optional rather it is imperative for everyone to live in harmony.

He says, 'True religion means harmony. Those who consider their own religion to be superior are not religious. A person who donates blood to a patient without bias is a truly religious person.'

A common man can function as a religious person too. Those who go to mosques, temples, and churches are not the only religious people. True religion is to live without hurting and defrauding others. Real religion is believing in the principle of co-existence.

The seer also revealed that there are only five houses of the Muslim community in this small village, still, everyone lives compatibly. And that's the sign of true religion.

Religion should be seen as a way of life. Every religion has its belief system and methodology for practicing rituals. Ritualistic manners can differ from one religion to another religion but more or less the belief part remains the same.

Religion in all communities is nothing but - a way of life. Every religion focuses more on conduct and values. Worshipping the Almighty may be different from one religion to another.

Hence, we must shed off ethnocentric biases and we should move forward to adopt a pluralistic and relativist approach.

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