Writing in itself is a creative process. Its an art which only gets better day by day. Writing has been with the mankind for various centuries but it has also constantly evolved.
In the Modern Age, the writers are also trying to adapt with the changing dynamics. Many AI tools or features of assistive technology are actually on their way of eliminating humans from this area.
The prospects of content writing as a niche for many is under a serious threat with the advent of tools like ChatGPT.
Is that going to be the end of the writing world?
Is that going to be the end of the writers' community?
Content Writing is becoming a source of employment generation and revenue for many. Content Writing has now come up as an alternative or an escape for people who don't want to spend their adulthood in a 9 to 5 job or typically the conventional jobs in the market.
It refers to the act of planning, writing and publishing web content. These days with the rise of the tertiary sector and the associated technological studies, many applications and websites have come up which want to target the audience for their respective brand or company. In order to do so, a compelling writing style that hooks the customer both to the company and to the product. The details of the content and notes are provided by the company to have a greater reach into the minds of people. A writing style that holds an emotional appeal to the people and complements the framework of digital marketing to sum it all is the crux of content writing.
Whenever people are confronted with the word 'Content Writing', they usually think that it's all about writing and nothing else.
However, Content Writing Niche in itself has much to offer.
It includes the following:
The first and the foremost task of a Content Writing niche is 'DIGITAL MARKETING BUSINESS'- it's about promoting the digital business with the help of writing services. In able to maintain yourself in the market, many companies are resorting to Content Writing strategies, many companies are preferring to post some content on daily basis to come up in the optimization of various search engines.
Content Writing after developing some content should head onto 'KEYWORD RESEARCH SEO', the content writers after developing the entire article work on metakeywords generations. These keywords actually help the article to come up in search result and endeavors to include those very same words which are most expected by a person to use while searching for that topic.
Developing 'CONTENT STRATEGY' is also something crucial. What type of content is trending and what type of content will attain more likes are things that decide the possible success of the content. Content strategy is also decided as per the age of the target audience as preferences of people vary and change over time. Content Writers work with this mantra that, 'Their Content is the REAL KING'.
After deciding the outline and the framework for a particular article, the main pie lies in the 'CONTENT PRODUCTION'. The content should be real, unique and appealing in the first place and the content that's generated should be free from plagiarism to develop an authenticity among readers. A human touch to writing can make wonders instead of just copy-pasting the content.
Once the content is ready and prepared, the content writer goes through a series of revisions and re-checking the article to avoid any grammatical errors known as PROOFREADING and EDITING is done till last moment to draw a stroke of perfection in the article that is produced. Various Grammarly tools and Word Search are used to make the content more reliable and authentic.
Content Writers after finally done with the above pre-requisites go out for the 'PUBLICATION' of the content to finally reach the respective userbase.
Content Writing is a skill in itself. Hence, in order to be at pace with current trends and demands, 'Enrollment' in a Content Writing is of great help. It helps to you get certified in that very field. It helps you to gather various insights about the business and the skill as a whole.
Content Writing no doubt demands 'good writing skills'. Skill is something which one needs to regularly practice so to attain perfection in it. Writing is ultimately the foundation for all of it.
Writing alone won't help and won't go a long way here unless it is complemented with other learning tools such as plagiarism checkers, word counters, keyword generation and structuring the article in a set designed format.
One thing that's the most important of all this is that content writers must realize that it is the age of specialization. Your specific skills are what actually coveted in the market. A writer can write many things but can actually have expertise in a few. Hence, it is very essential for the Content Writers to find their respective niche where they are comfortable with and are more likely to excel greater over others.
Experience for that respect matters in any profession. Experience is something which marks your stability in the market. One who has seen both ups and downs of the business market cycle and has able to sustain it all more preferred anywhere. Hence, run for experience and that shall keep you running.
In order to secure a strong base from the business of Content Writing Business, you need to have a more or less permanent client base and that's only possible when your skill is backed by outstanding samples and portfolio at hand. The samples and portfolio should be such that they should be able to speak volumes of your work to your client. And at last, a creative expression and an emotional connect and personalized solutions for your client will keep you alive in this hustling journey.
Nothing goes better unless it is equipped with proper research. Research-based Content Writing is becoming the need of the hour. The content writer should be able to master the key components of the content such as introduction, body, style, language and outro. The headlines should be catchy enough as its only a matter of few seconds where it gets decided that if a person is going to stay further or not with the article. A compelling hook so to call it as a bait should be there to catch the attention of readers. For a reader to continue reading the article uninterrupted, it is more than essential that the writer while he or she was preparing the content was clear and expressive in thoughts. Unless we are decluttered we can't help the other one in doing so. Editing and optimizing your article should not be seen as something that can be ignored as there's something called 'impression' which once created in the minds of readers is only to going to predict the coming back of the client too. Readability of the article should be enhanced and relevancy of the article should be clearly spaced out to avoid any scope of doubt for readers.
Having discussed about the Content Writing niche, one most popular questions that arises is, 'Can Content Writing be thought of as a professional opportunity'?
The answer to this maybe subjective. Though in my opinion, it's a yes. When people are running after conventional jobs where there is cut-throat competition, one can seek relief here from that chaos. People who can't rigid themselves to a fixed timing pattern of job are best suited for it. Educated youth of the country can take it as a side-hustle as a stepping stone to their financial independence and can be thought as a full-time career opportunity as well. As far as revenue generation is concerned, depending on how much you shine on your skills, it's going to be decided that you are either going to get peanuts or a doughnut.
It's absolutely true that Artificial Intelligence has endangered this business but still, robotic Intelligence can't replace the human element. A time will come when AI will take over all the conventional jobs while businesses like these will likely survive the onslaught a new structure that attempts to replace the existing.
Note for Readers: The most amusing part of this topic which I just discussed that you people without even realizing were all the time connected with Content Writing itself.
Answer is simple. Writing such as these blog posts or articles are also a part of Content Writing work. Hence, don't wait. Give yourself some time and think about it as an opportunity of growing business in the tertiary sector and rest that will happen will be history one day!