Image by Micha Sager from Pixabay

As per the WMO's 'State of the Global Climate 2022' Report, which announced that the sea levels are rising at an unprecedented rate, the rate of global sea level increment has doubled from 2.27 mm/year in 1993-2002 to 4.62 mm/year in 2013-22.


Global warming and the consequent melting of glaciers have been described as the causes. Ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica are declining. Areas of permafrost are started to lose their characteristic. The ice cover in the Arctic and Antarctic regions is also receding.


  • Cause changes in the land cover (seas swallowing more space than land cover)
  • Erratic weather events will become a part of our environment.
  • Groundwater can turn saline as seawater can seep heavily into the ground.
  • Due to water crises in coastal areas, agriculture is affected.
  • Thousands of people have to displace themselves.
  • Socio-Economic disparities take root strongly. The liabilities of governments increase all the more.

Impact of Sea-Level Rise on Societies:

  • The Sunderban Delta in West Bengal is the world's largest mangrove area.
  • The lives of coastal communities are strongly hit thereby disturbing the coastal ecosystem.
  • Rising sea levels have caused more islands to get submerged in water.
  • The forced migration of local communities is also being seen.
  • A combination of socio-economic crises has been linked with child trafficking in Sunderbans.

Way Ahead:

Rising sea levels should be considered a serious issue that needs proper redressal. Although, more reports are required to assess the whole climate change matter. Simultaneously, global and local policy changes should also be back to stimulate the coastal ecosystem again.

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