Image by Layers from Pixabay 

A new study has revealed that being given an illicit drug called ketamine and then looking at smiling faces could help end the depression.

Researchers found that reading happy words and looking at happy faces including one's own can prolong the anti-depressant effects of the drug for months. The drug is also used to kill pain and it was also used in treating injured soldiers on the battlefields in Vietnam War.

Doctors began to realize that the drug had powerful effects on depression and suicidal thoughts. Referred to as a 'speedster of antidepressants' because it works within hours and its service to some highly agitated people has desisted them from suicide attempts.

Those suffering from depression were well cured with just one ketamine injection. It was followed by computer-based training that used positive words and imagery to improve how a person sees. Words such as worthy, lovable, and sweet shall flash on a screen alongside the patient's photo.

It has been scientifically proven that if digital techniques are used when ketamine is injected into the body, depression can be kept at bay for a longer period.

Going through simple conditioning when the brain is receptive to soaking new information allows us to understand depression better.

Training the brain to link perceptions of yourself with positive ideas can help to broaden the ground for happiness while ongoing treatment.

It's amazing to have such good results with the program. The results of this research were published last month in the American Journal of Psychiatry.

These drugs offer an alternative chance at long-term remission. The drug's effects often wear off after a couple of weeks. It's not an easily accessible treatment as the ketamine infusions lie high out-of-pocket costs and long waiting lists.

Hence, the team is reorienting goals to improve access to their treatment and boosting its effect by pairing the drug with digital therapies.

The goal of the team is to leverage digital technologies and develop a strategy that will efficiently extend the time and get more patients effective depression care.

The clinical tests of the drug also gave satisfactory results. Currently, the team is figuring out the circulation of data.

Ongoing research will explore similar techniques that could help ease suicidality, anxiety, and other disorders. The idea is so simple that it could be repurposed for a variety of mental health conditions.



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