The State of the World's Birds, an annual review of environmental resources published on May 5th, 2022 by nine natural sciences and avian specialists across the globe, has revealed that the population of 48% of the 10,994 surviving species of birds is declining.
The report is published by the Manchester Metropolitan University which gives an overview of the changes in the It gives an overview of the changes in the knowledge of avian biodiversity and the extent to which it is imperilled.
Key Highlights:
The study found that 5,245 or about 48% of the existing bird species worldwide are known or suspected of undergoing population declines.
The study shows that 13.5% of species are currently threatened with global extinction.
798 species out of which are classified as vulnerable.
469 species are classified as endangered.
223 species are classified as critically endangered.
Around 73% of species were estimated to have fewer than 10,000 mature individuals.
39% of the species had stable trends and about 7% had increasing population trends. The trend of 36 species is still unknown.
The study reviewed changes in avian biodiversity using data from the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Red List to reveal the changes in fortunes of all the global bird species.
India's Context:
The trend toward declining bird diversity is just as alarming in India. Nearly 80% of 146 species are declining in numbers and almost 50% are plummeting strongly. Over 6% of the species studied show stable population and 14% show increasing population trends. Among the most threatened species were endemic species, birds of prey, and those living in forests and grasslands.
Degradation and loss of natural habitats and the direct overexploitation of many species are the key threats to avian biodiversity. Other threats to avian biodiversity include fragmentation and invasive alien species. Also, humans eat 14% of the world's surviving species of birds.
The more threatened bird species are found in tropical than in temperate latitudes. Such hotspots are concentrated in southeast Brazil, Eastern Himalayas, and Eastern Madagascar.
The study reports that birdwatching is a recommended form of avian conservation.
Cut down the negative impacts that are leading to the loss of the population of bird species.
The human societies should primarily shift to economically sustainable development pathways.
And lastly, the government can take care of the bird species through various protection schemes.
Let's take an oath to protect our feathered friends.