Ranjita Saikia Deka, despite facing a huge crisis in the 15-year-old business bravely stepped forward to try her stars in a unique way of pisciculture. She is one of the first from Assam to start land-based fish farming using Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) technology.
From a very small age, she wanted to draw a new line which could give her a special place from the multitude. In 2005, when the growth of Internet was taking place, she took up the mission of creating awareness on using the internet and other modern technologies and started taking free classes. Subsequently, she opened an online service shop. But it was during the pandemic when the things started getting out of order and she had to face some financial problems.
She didn't give up. Rather she tried to find new avenues to generate income. She started doing aquaponics. She got an idea about the aquaponics while she was scrolling through some videos on YouTube. She says that she was fascinated by the technique of growing organic vegetables and fish altogether in the same environment.
Her business brought immense success. Having done that, she took a stride to set up this high-tech project under India's Blue Revolution Scheme. Many have approached Ranjita to learn about this technique. However, only a handful have been able to successfully learn and implement the technique. The members of the political executive in Assam have also shown keenness to start the project in her native state.
Ranjita says that she had never imagined that her attempts in the field of aquaponics would fetch her so much of success. She adds that it was the confidence of the success that kept me driving. She is ready to do something revolutionary for the fishing sector. She is also ready to join hands in fish farming which primarily aims to increase fish production with the optimum use of land and water. The use of RAS technology has made the system more productive than ever.
A noteworthy or a memorable day of Ranjita's life was 5th September 2020, the moment she officially started fish farming with RAS.
The fully-organic fish produced through RAS technology is also cost-effective as it requires less space and labour. It also greatly helps in water conservation. Although the system consumes greater electricity yet they are working on ways that could modify the usage of it. They have thought to use solar energy as an alternative.
Presently in 8 tanks of 8-metre length and 5 feet depth which can hold up to 6 lakhs litres volume water, Ranjita is producing quintals of Indian Major Carb (IMC) fishes such as Rohu, Catla Catfish ( Magur ) Fossil Cat (Singhi), Pangas Catfish (Kosh), Chinese Promophet (Roopchanda).
Fishes of high medicinal value are receiving good responses from customers. They target a few fish markets only. Undoubtedly, fish farming in RAS is a challenging task.
She also dreams of setting up an organic fish market. She also has hired labourers for the smooth working of her business. Her employees are also happy working with her and the team. They have transformed their lives under her guidance.
Being the pioneer in the field, Ranjita is now considered a one-stop solution for fish farming. Her success story is encouraging many to try this new technology. Ranjita is regarded to be a generous, friendly and helpful person who has helped all others in her team with all the zeal and interest. The business is in it's process of growth. It's yet to develop more.
Mentioning it as a great initiative for the future. Land is getting reduced with every passing day and in this scenario construction of ponds is just not possible. This method of fish production requires less space, time and labour, thus this sustainable method will be very beneficial for future generations. It is expected that the overall turnover of this project would be great.
'We heard of White and Green Revolution but now we need a Blue Revolution and harness the potential in fishing sectors.' - Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi.