As he discovers more and more, he gets enchanted by this language. He is thrilled to see a grammar so unique and so scientifically precise. How marvellously unique it is that so many different words can be compounded in a single word! The literature is so vibrant and so diverse that it not only touches all kinds of arts and sciences but also the human soul.
He is William Jones, founder of Asiatic Society and the language is Sanskrit. He observes a curious pattern as he compares Sanskrit with Latin and Greek.
The startling similarities between these languages had made Jones and many scholars to hypothesize that there must have been a single long-lost language which has mothered the three ancient languages namely Sanskrit, Latin and Greek. The family of such largely related languages common to India and Europe have been termed as 'Indo-European languages' with 'Proto-Indo-European' (PIE) being the old forgotten language that no longer exists.
Anyway, in Jones' opinion
"The Sanskrit language, whatever be its antiquity, is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either."
If you want to be as amazed as Jones was to see the Sanskritic touch in the European languages, take a look into the P.N Oak's intensive research to trace the imprints of this language in Europe.
Sanskrit wasn't just the medium of communication, but the means of propagation of knowledge and preserver of our culture.
The material possessions that we own showcase our civilization but the way we use them shows our culture. Civilization and culture aren't synonyms. The difference between the two can be explained with this analogy ---- if civilization is the tangible hardware, culture is the non-tangible software.
Culture is the heart of any civilization.
Culture is the composition of our values, customs, traditions, beliefs, and lifestyle.
Sanskrit binds India into one integrated entity. Go to the west, to the east, to the north or to the south of India, all Hindu sacraments are done in Sanskrit language. A South Indian pundit will chant the wedding mantras in the same melody while making the same hand gestures as a North Indian pundit would, despite the linguistic differences across different parts of India.
In ancient times, Sanskrit was the language of gods,of elites and of intellectuals. All the works in literature, science and spirituality have been produced in Sanskrit language.
To understand the Indian culture in its crude form, the knowledge of Sanskrit is must. For our ancestors have poured their philosophy and vision; knowledge and experience; observations and expectations in Sanskrit.
The unique formula-based grammar by grammarian Panini and Patanjali and the lexicography of Amar Singh has systemized the Sanskrit grammar.
Literature hold the real Sanskrit treasure. The philosophy, politics, geography, history, economics of India have been creatively penned down by Kalidasa,Bharavi,Bhasa,Vishakadatta,Shudraka,Dandin etc.
The metaphors of Kalidasa as he prolifically described the natural beauty of India, the grandeur of Indian kings, the psychology of characters spiced with emotions and elegance.
The number games were well played by Indian mathematicians like Bhaskaracharya, Aryabhatta,Varahamirah. They framed the formulae of algebra, geometry, trigonometry in Sanskrit.
The anatomy of human body, the medicinal herbs to be given to the ill, the surgical procedures to be carried out are described in the works of Vaggbhatta,Sushruta, and Charaka.
Today, there is this presumption that Sanskrit is a dead language. That its remains are present in the rituals and religious prayers only. That Sanskrit is a nostalgia of past, not the dream of future.
But, Sanskrit is still taught in the universities,the government exams are conducted in Sanskrit language, the orator who quotes in Sanskrit does get the applause from the audience. This ancient language has it's place in the eighth schedule of Indian Constitution among 21 other languages.
The once 'dead' Hebrew language is now spoken by the entire population of Israel today. It is one of the oldest and toughest language which is sacred to Jews and they revived it because they take pride in their culture and wanted to sustain it.
As India looks forward to emerge as a global power, it is even more important to work on our roots because “It is in the roots, not the branches, that a tree's greatest strength lies."
Our sages have said that in order to move ahead you must put one foot on the ground and the other in the air.The foot on the ground represents our touch with our traditions and the foot in the air represents our open-mindness to learn new. The person who keeps both his feet on the ground is stuck because of his conservativeness while the person who keeps both the feet in the air falls down because he has no base.
Many ancient civilizations have outgrown their past, and in the garb of modernity they have suffered the death of their culture. There's something unique about our Indian culture that is still thriving and we should be really proud of it. Its roots are in Vedas, in Upanishads, Puranas and various Granths. Unlock it with the key called Sanskrit.