The music of the people, the setting sun in that Fateh Sagar, and I waiting. I had no clue that on my trip to this beauty I would meet the beauty that resides in my heart forever. Walking, on the curvy roads of Udaipur every time I came here reminded me of you but this time as my heartfelt you were here my eyes only wanted to spot you. That coldish December breeze! And the music of the boys playing you on their guitar by the side of the Fateh Sagar lake is what I will keep forever in my heart. Holding the warmest sand coffee pot in my hand celebrating you and gazing at the lake palace lit up just as my heart does when I see you. I sat on the side of the lake waiting for you. And explored this place with your eyes and my heart. And I went to grandma's home. Sleep was the thing that excited me the most as it would give me happiness meeting you in dreams. And then waking up to the serene beauty oh Udaipur, I love you in different ways, I love you for different reasons.

And here came the Good morning, which told me that today was the day. Yes! We will be meeting today. Where? at FS. And started the bells in my heart, the songs in my mind, and the coldness in the air. Everyone just waiting for you and only you. Put on my overcoat, and went on in the search of my happiness. Walking down the mainland, the streets of old Udaipur felt the best vibe. Old Udaipur is what, every traveler needs to explore. Walkthrough those small streets, get to see the beautiful Rajasthani local people, shop at the roadside shops selling the most antique silver jewelry. And meet tons of people from different countries, I met Ell from Italy and Will from Japan. These two emerged truly in Udaipur from the past month. They were wearing the soothing colors of the local dresses that are worn by the Rajasthani people. As in the morning, you can hear the best sounds of birds and people and have your breakfast on the roadside cafes. I with the same urge to find you went on to the PATIO. Beautiful it was! All blue and white. That reminded me only and only of you. Our colors as you know. But the wait should be over now. I can't wait to travel with you. I feel you everywhere I go, I see your face in every person I see here. So please just stop this hide and seek. And make me walk with you on these streets. And had the best breakfast of my life, having your favorite guava punch and pesto pizza. And then the roads led me to the Gangaur ghat, the view was indescribable. You need to be here, I wish and I feel you are here somewhere. The pigeons flying all over the ghat, eating those grains dispersed all over the floor, the water and its waves in the rhythm with the sarangi played by the 70 year old local.

How melodious was life at the time, syncing just right with the vibe, with the waves, and little did I know it was 6.30 pm. time passed so fast there, and I witnessed the best sunset of my life. The sun was setting in the lake and a mirror image of the sun could be seen in the water, even after setting, the sun was visible in a different form. The sky that turned pink with an orangish tint was a view to die for. Then the evening that followed was as calm as heaven. It was a meditation in itself. Just come here and sit for hours and relax. But my time was over as I was in search of a dumb fellow, who is not able to meet me for a long time.

It was 2 am and I was sitting on the side of Fateh Sagar lake, yes again! this place is not leaving me what can I do. The cold breeze and still a lot of crowd at the Sai Sagar shop, selling tons of coffees. Again I didn't find my treasure. And the next morning, which was the 31st of December, the last day of the year. Cold morning, with fog all around as I, opened the window. And it started pouring. It is said that to witness the best of Udaipur you should come here in the monsoon, the lush green mountains, and hike over them to find those long and lavish waterfalls. And I suddenly had an urge from my heart to go see the monsoon palace, and I headed straight to 3100 ft high. Oh! it felt like touching the sky. The view was worth it. It was a true beauty. It felt like I was standing between the clouds, everything white and the little pouring melting all the tiredness away. It was damn cold there, and also a lot of people too. The mountains were just in front, tall and green. The whole city was visible. With so many lakes. And I felt that my search was over, I saw a person looking the same but was not sure I followed him and he vanished. Better luck next time! But I was heading back home tomorrow. Okay, so sadness is apart. As it was the last day of the year. It was obvious to celebrate the year and with my Fam at grandma's home. All of us were slain, in our overcoats and mufflers, taking thousands of pictures of every moment headed to the new year Eves party. Entering the resort in a golf car and seeing the party lights move down and up and up down blue, white, and a lot more. We danced through the night, drank our tummies full. And it was 11:59. 1 last-minute with this year and an idiot pushed me from the back and there the wait was over and it was A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

PS: If you are reading this, please come here and explore this beauty, because life's too short to waste a second.

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