Mt. Kailash or Kailasa, which means ‘crystal’ in Sanskrit, is not an ordinary mountain. According to Vishnu Purana, Mount Kailash's four faces are made of crystal, ruby, gold, and lapis lazuli.

God Shiva is omnipresent and resides in every element of his creation, even in the heart of his devotees, but he chose Kailash Parvat as his abode.

The sacred mountain is situated in the southwestern part of Tibet, bordering the Kumaon region of India — where heaven meets earth.

Hindus strongly believe that on Mt. Meru (aka Mt. Kailash in Buddhist texts), Adi Yogi Lord Shiva sits at the top of the peak in a deep state of transcendental Meditation. They also believe that he resides at Kailash Parvat with his eternal spirit partner Shakti. 

That’s not all! There are many other mysteries and rare phenomenon which has baffled scientists. So, are you ready to embark on a journey to one of the world's most mysterious and sacred places? 

Yes? Then, Let’s go.

1. Mt. Kailash is the Centre of Earth

Mt. Kailash is believed to be the Axis Mundi, aka the cosmic axis, world axis, world pillar, center of the world, the world tree. It is a connection point between the heavens and the earth where ten directions meet.

Google Maps vouch for the validity of this fact. From Kailash, the north pole is 6666 km away. The same dimension goes with the south pole, which is 13332 km - double the exact distance of the north pole.

2. Two Rivers, Close Proximity - But Sheer Difference 

Lake Manasarovar is round like the sun, and Rakshastal, shaped like a crescent, are regarded as "brightness" and "darkness."

Only a few devotees know that both Mansarovar Lake and Rakshas Taal are connected via the Ganga Chuu channel. Yet the water of Mansarovar Lake is fresh, while that of Rakshas Taal is saline.

According to Hindu scriptures, It is believed that the turquoise lake was first formed in the mind of Lord Brahma, where later Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma appeared as swans. The holy water of Lake Mansarovar is said to have the power to wash away our sins.

On the contrary, Ravana — the supreme king of demons, performed intense Pooja at the foothills of Mt. Kailash to please Lord Shiva.

Ravana offered by sacrificing one of his ten heads to Shiva daily. Hence, "Rakshas Taal” — a lake of negativity- seems true.

3. NASA Saw the Face of Lord Shiva On Mt. Kailash

As Google Maps and NASA pictures reveal, Mount Kailash is the axis mundi, the world axis, the center of the world, and the navel of the world. It is also claimed that seven types of lights were seen shining in the sky of Mount Kailash many times.

NASA scientists believe this may have happened due to the magnetic force here. In 2016, Nasa scientists also stated that 'the face of Lord Shiva' appears on the holy Mt. Kailash.

4. Origin of All Himalayan Rivers is From Mt. Kailash

Four rivers originated from the four directions of Mount Kailash: Brahmaputra, Indus, Sutlej, and Karnali. Other rivers in China, including the Ganges Saraswati, have also originated from these rivers.

In the four directions of Kailash are the faces of various animals from which the rivers originate. There is the face of the horse in the east, the face of the elephant in the west, the face of the lion in the north, and the peacock’s face in the south.

5. Mt. Kailash is a Pyramid-Shaped Mountain

Mount Kailash has a giant pyramid at its center, surrounded by 100 smaller pyramids. The mountain's unique design resembles compass marks in a remote area without other large mountains.

Russian scientists believe Mount Kailash is an Axis Mundi, a place where supernatural forces flow, and one can connect with these powers. They also believe that it is not a mountain but a man-made vacuum pyramid as it is way too perfect and symmetrical.

While some claim Mount Meru's pyramid shape is a technical expertise of divine beings, others believe that Mt. Kailash could be an ancient alien spacecraft!

6. Sounds of OM and Damru From Mt. Kailash

'Om' is the original sound of the universe. The origin of its symbol is a long-standing mystery debated by scholars for centuries. Some attribute it to the sages of India, while others believe the Chinese Emperor Fu Xi created it. Despite various theories, the true origin remains unknown.

The Hindu OM (ॐ) symbol can be seen on Kailash Parvat from the ridge's south. This symbol is formed by large ice troughs and horizontal rock formations at the mountain's peak.

When visiting the area of Mount Kailash or Lake Manasarovar, you might notice a constant sound resembling an airplane flying nearby.

However, upon careful listening, it resembles the sound of Damru or Om. Scientists speculate that the sound of melting ice or a unique interaction between light and sound could create the Om-like sound. The exact cause of this phenomenon is still a subject of debate and is yet to be explored.

7. No One Has Climbed the Top of Mt. Kailash to Date 

Climbing Mt. Kailash is strictly forbidden, but in the 11th century, the Tibetan Buddhist yogi Milarepa managed to climb it. Milarepa was a highly spiritual and accomplished individual, and he is the only recorded person to have climbed the sacred Kailash Parbat and returned alive.

Upon his return, he strongly advised others not to attempt to climb the sacred mountain as it disturbs the deity resting at its summit.

Another individual who reportedly climbed Mount Kailash was Yudhisthira from the Mahabharata. To seek liberation after 39,18,888 brutal deaths in the Mahabharata war, the five Pandavas and Draupadi left on the path to Swarga Loka by climbing Mount Kailash.

Unfortunately, On their way, all except Yudhisthira slipped and died one by one. Yudhisthira was accompanied by a dog, who was none other than God Yama himself.

Here's more.....

Strangely, an invisible force prevents airlines from proceeding beyond a specific elevation at that height. Even though today’s aeronautics has become much more advanced, no plane can fly over Mount Kailash. If you talk about scientific reason, then the main reason is the elevation of the Himalayan Mount range, which is around 30000 ft, and the highest cruising altitude allowed to planes is only about 25 to 35000 ft.

8. Aging and Instant Death After Mt. Kailash Tour is Normal

It's been reported that some tourists and pilgrims who visit Mount Meru experience unusual growth in their nails or hair.

Some believe the air at this ancient peak may accelerate aging. There are stories of a group of climbers from Siberia who reached a certain point on the mountain and aged by a few decades almost instantly. Tragically, all of those trespassers passed away from old age within a year after they visited Mt. Kailash.


Kailash parvat is magical and covered with numerous mysteries - we humans might not be aware of. 

I know science relies on testable empirical evidence and observation, while religion relies on subjective belief in a creator. No matter what the mystery behind Mt. Kailash is, but it is one of the divine creations on earth. 

Om Namah Shivaay!

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