Image by Amaia pascual from Pixabay
I was in my teenage, one day in our school period. An English school teacher told us one thing, never give pity feeling on beggars. If you want this beggary system over or for India to get rid of this beggary system, don't allow yourself to give any amount of money to these beggars.
Many of us have forgotten. Sometimes it keeps on repeating in my head. Why did she say so? What would be the reason? Is she told us correctly? Am I overanalyzing her phrase of words?
But slowly, steadily, when I come across many incidents. I must appreciate the conversation in such a way she had given that message to several students in their teenage.
In old movies, there were many scenes in which we clearly can analyze that if someone commits a crime like a thief, pocket snatching, and so on, why? Just for starving for food, no money. In a few scenes, we see many beggars get cash and use it to drink alcohol and do domestic violence on ladies. And movies, for example, Footpath(2003) and Traffic Signal (2007), are so impactful for our minds to understand their psychology, the business, rackets worked behind the beggary system.
If I would say you, beggars are also criminals?
You would never be going to believe it. As India is a Poor Nation, right?
But I have to tell you that we have Indian beggars so rich you can't imagine. Just by giving them money in our foolishness, as a result of their livelihood, they have not earned income by applying any effort as an employed person does.
Even the world's richest beggar is from India. It's just the news I came across recently about Bharat Jain. Media has reported that beggar Bharat Jain has bagged ₹7.5 crore by panhandling on the streets of the tech and financial metropolis. He spent about 10 to 12 hours each day around the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus railway station and Azad Maidan sports ground, which are considered prime begging locations. Now he is the owner of a two-bedroom apartment along with two shops. His children are going to convent school. For him, begging is an occupation, not just a need under critical circumstances.
It's my personal experience, no matter whether red signals when turned on for a few seconds or one minute at busy crossroads. In what phase do we go through? Tension or anxiety or to reach somewhere in a hurry and our full attention towards the signal, to see when it turned to be a green light on.
But what happens? A bunch of beggars appears suddenly around our vehicles. It distracts us at the pause moment of driving when every automobile is in the queue. It's dangerous as an accident may occur at that instant of time when the driver is not at their fault. Beggars mostly try to touch you on two-wheelers, knock at your car's window, with a dirty cloth wipe your car's glass, and try to sell some useless objects to you, show off that they are hungry on the other side they only want money, not any food items from you. Side effects you get mood spoiled, shout at them, get irritated, or if you don't want any load on you will give them some quantity of money by thinking that you are capable, having emotional heart or, to maintain your decorum in front of that stranger beggar. Periodically you will give them money by thinking of God's fear if you see an image of God with them. Some younger generation gave money to them by thinking what happens if we give in carelessness attitude.
At traffic signals, roadside, along on the wall of the temple, whenever you find any beggar keep in your mind that it's your daily routine to go through that path instead of beggars, who have their calculative business by which they play with your psychology in some duration of time.
Indore, Madhya Pradesh, you will be shocked to know that begging at traffic signals is not just remaining beggary nowadays panhandle turn into extortion. It's compulsory to give them money. If you try to skip traffic signals without paying them, they start yelling that they are getting hurt, thus forcing you to stop and drag out your money. Children climb on top of the bonnet of four-wheelers or stand before them until they pay. If the driver somehow manages to evade their clutches, they use expletives and curses. These incidents mainly took place in Khajrana Square and LIG Square.
Mahin Khan, a Law student, informed that beggars sometimes pull their hands and clothes. Not only children but some women beggars are also doing the same. They are not satisfied with Rs 5 or 10 and want big money. The IMC and police should take action as it has become an everyday affair.
Navi Mumbai, Aaapchi Mumbai, the land of dreams, and now focus on dangerous truth besides Bollywood as I will talk about Mumbai. It's the shocking truth as well as unbelievable. Not only grown-up children rackets involved infants also in this business of beggary. They force them to beg by will or not. Showing them severe pain by which you will feel pity finally, you will give them money.
Vishnu Gavali, a social activist, researched and realized the pain of children and infants while sleeping at traffic signals or metro railway stations. Many times he saw infants in the laps of small kids only. Six months babies don't cry, and kids don't react by having half-conscious because they are given drugs like opium.
These rackets could be at Kharghar, three monkey statues, and the Belapur highway junction.
Have you ever thought about being an Indian? Why it's happening? Is India a beggarly nation?
I don't believe it, as India has high taxpayer celebs and businessmen. Daily wages petrol rates going high still all affording that. So why poverty has an overlapping Indian identity?
It is because of the large number of people living below the poverty line, and they don't want to come out of that no matter how much support they get. Beggars target foreigners at tourist spots and pester them continuously. These beggars who make a beeline for foreigners are an embarrassment as an Indian in front of them. So practically what report is going out of India, lots of beggars hence the beggary country.
During Indira Gandhi's Emergency rule, her son, Sanjay Gandhi, ordered the demolition of the slums in the Muslim-dominated Turkman Gate area of Old Delhi. But at that time supreme court banned this order after a defeat of Congress by stating that it was a socio-economic problem.
In 2018, the Delhi High Court struck down a law that made begging in the Capital a crime, saying that criminalizing begging violates the fundamental rights of the most vulnerable people. Under the Indian Constitution, Article 21 included the right to livelihood, and Article 23 incorporated to stop beggary.
Children discovered begging are considered victims and need care and protection under Juvenile Justice. That's why these rackets forced children to beggary.
Research shows that 70 to 80 % of homeless people in London are taking Class A drugs. But, the government helps them to assassinate their addictions by giving them night shelters for free.
Begging is clever work done by beggars. They are not registered beggars under any law, so they are free from tax deposition on their income, which is more than the average employed person.
We can control the beggary system by strictly following laws as it's a crime to beg in a public place vagrant must be arrested for this crime as it's an embarrassing situation for others to face. Section 16 of the Calcutta Suburban Police Act, 1866, provides that a police officer may arrest a vagrant without a warrant.