Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay

It's trendy to use abbreviations while somewhere complicating our minds regarding mentality and minute skills without complete knowledge of it.

We use multiple abbreviations daily in our WhatsApp and many other social media platforms but hardly know their verified acronyms and proper usage when to put what abbreviations theoretically. We have been following this new culture and tradition of short-hand typing, abbreviations, and acronyms without knowing anything about its roots.


  • Should I use LOL to express my lots of love for you viewers?

I can't express this, as this is the most famous confusion in most of our minds about LOL is an acronym for "lots of love" even I remembered recently in the most famous tv series Anupama the couple Nandini and Samar expressed their love with "LOL YOU" and what happened? Viewers are still confused about what happened literally. By the way, this happens when we use the wrong acronym in the wrong place. Hence "LOL" means "laugh out loud" Now you understand why acronyms theory is also important to us.

  • "GM" confused me once in my graduation days when I started using a message box on my cell phone.

The first acronym I received in the message box of my cell phone during my college days was "GM" I haven't reacted to that message. Repeatedly I got the same message from my college batch mate GM for ten days respectively. One day I got irritated with that girl and replied I am not a general manager hence stop sending the message "GM" to me. Then she replied GM means good morning. I was shocked for approximately ten minutes and thought whether to believe the concept of my studies that the complete form of GM is the general manager or to believe my college friend that GM's complete form is a good morning. Now you understand how acronyms have silently confused our grammar, consciousness, and behavior.


Technically these kinds of stuff started when we got a 2G cell phone with text message facilities. I still remember that in one text message, we could send 160 characters which cost 1 rupee 50 paise when there was no message card recharged in our cellular mobile, whereas with a massage card recharge cost of one text message was 20 paise.

So limited characters text was allowed in one message on a 2G cell phone, as it was so complex to type as one button contained 3 to 4 alphabets and to index a text message, we had to press one button 3 to 4 times. That was a complex procedure as well as time-consuming.

It was SMS (a short messaging service). It started and became trendy in the late '90s and early 2000s. The SMS feature was similar to the telegraph feature, where word-by-word matters. So technically, SMS helped the sender by permitting some shortcut texts to type less with more quick communication in those 2G cell phones.

For example, a few acronyms are as:- I am alright (AIR), as soon as possible (ASAP), between (B/W), at that moment (ATM), good morning (GM), good night (GN), I don't know(IDK), I love you (ILY), talk to you later (TTYL), see you (CU), love (<3), message (MSG), just kidding (JK), oh my god (OMG), how are you (HRU), afford(A4D), ate(8), hate (H8), your (UR), you are (U R ), for you (4U), tomorrow(2MRO), easy(EZ), one to one (121), also known as (AKA), back to work(B2W), by the way (BTW), later (L8R), for your information(FYI), where are you (WRU) and so on and on.


So after reading a few examples of acronyms now, can you relate how much you were aware of their actual meaning or just using them without any proper knowledge of it?

Dr. Nenagh Kemp of the University of Tasmania researched and made us aware of changing times with the involvement grip of these acronyms over our grammar and phonetics. Even David Crystal claimed that this texting style has been adversely harmful to us regarding our language. David explained it in his book "Txtng: the Gr8 Db8". The side effects were not over yet. It made texting and sending messages faster for the sender. However, for the receiver, it becomes more complicated to read text messages rather than the English language. For readers, it became time-consuming to read text messages proven through several studies and research.


Tell me the complete form of P.M.?

If You are thinking of the Prime Minister, then you are wrong.

If you are thinking of Post Meridiem, then also you are wrong.

If I say according to acronyms theory (PM), its complete form became the private message. Then what's your quick reaction going to be to this confusion?

Tell me the complete form of HAND. 

Are you laughing at me?

As we are all aware, that hand is a complete word in itself, and it's a body part. But what's your reaction if I tell you that according to acronyms theory (HAND) means to have a nice day?

Tell me the complete form of GOAT.

Are you starting to get confused or not?

GOAT is a mammal, and it's an animal. We studied hard in our school days. How could we forget?

What will be your reaction if I tell you acronyms theory gave the complete form of (GOAT) is the greatest of all time?

Similarly, after investing much TIME in understanding the acronym's initials, and their completeness, you will come across such words and understand one day that (TIME) means Tears in My Eyes.

(KISS), don't get hyper or anxious because it means Keep It Stupid, Simple.

And do not become emotional if someone texts you (WE), as in acronym words, it stands for whatever. 

The most popular Rap singer YO YO Honey Singh, do you know the name he not just derived from the just-style symbol?

One day his American fan follower responded to him with the acronym YO which means yours. So Honey Singh added "Yo Yo to his name Honey Singh as YO YO Honey Singh means Your Honey Singh or I am yours, Honey Singh, as he did it with loving emotions.


Different Social Media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp impose a character limit that forces users to condense their thoughts. Since SMS-era users already got involved, influenced, and adapted those acronym languages without complete knowledge. In simple words, I can say that Cyber Culture developed in our younger minds no matter if they physically appear in front of us but their mind surfing the waves of the internet. Lastly, I would say the most confusing text (Hmm and Mm-hmm), we text without knowing it. Hmm indicates our hesitation in front of others, whereas (Mm-hmm) indicates our satisfaction with giving the signal to continue speaking in terms of chat.

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