Image by Pexels from Pixabay 

What made your mind to believe the belief of Lord! 
Was it the skeleton of your vertebral cord? 
What made you think the reality exists? 
Was it the heart or its heart beats! 

When you walked on the earth and moved to the sky, 
He answered your dearth and pulled you up to try. 
When you touched the blooms and rain drops, 
He blossom your brains like the crops. 

Was it still that you won't believe in him? 
When he answered all your queries in one film. 
Was it still you were suspicious about him? 
When he took you through all proofs in one film. 

He mentioned in one book, that you should look for, 
So when he will pose and ask, you would be reasonably ready for. 
If not he ordained the right and wrong, 
Who else was enough to judge so strong? 

Shouldn't we be happy to rise again on the day? 
When we will meet our beloved Prophet on the day. 
Did we came to celebrate this world or wait for the day? 
We will meet our Prophet, the day the day. 

Why our belief of monotheism questioned again and again? 
As we bow to the cultures against our belief again and again. 
Was it a struggle to hold a firm belief? 
In One Lord that created relief. 

Mountains and hills above and above, 
Seas and oceans below and below. 
Gardens and forests here and there, 
So My Lord is everywhere! 

Did he ever said he won't forgive? 
So why not we go and ask to give? 
Did he ever said he won't relieve? 
So why not we believe? 

The belief he mentioned just needed a clear spark, 
So that every answer was upto the mark. 
Not beating around the bush were his words, 
He was crystal clear in his wordly swords. 

Isn't he a creator of Justice in one place, universe? 
Beyond the shadows of doubt, he is he is, in every place. 
Who was he you mentioned the poet? 
He is All knowing, All living My lord! 

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