A world of beauty regime, a world which wants everyone to look fair, slim, and beautiful, and a world of fake attraction. All that we see around us is a race amongst us , individuals, to look good. It is not that there is any harm in looking Good but the harm is to what extent are we going to look good. Men and women today have stopped living their lives, they have stopped being themselves because each one is trying to outshine the other. Attraction towards anyone now seem to be confined only to looks and we are seeing millions of people earning a lot thanks to all of us. Yes there is more scope of employment these days and also of business. Our health and body is now profitable to an entire group of people who expertise in making you look outstanding. We are now busy struggling to maintain those simple, yet dragged on, small portion diet which will make you eat entire day instead of a proper healthy meal. There will be some cutting down on all that you relish and had since a child. There will be others who could you make you starve and you will be left craving for all those things laid out in front of you. This has indeed been a great discovery and made us so knowledgeable. There are so many different types of diets, the names we never heard about. There are so many different types of food and cuisines which are new to us. I see so many around me who rush to different shops or stores looking for that one particular thing that has been advised and told to be so beneficial for our health. The problem here is we never know whom we are to believe as every diet talks about the foods and interprets their benefits or problems according to them that the customer is confused as to whether it is healthy or not. Whatever it takes, the measuring tapes are out to measure the inches lost, the measuring scale is out to measure how much you have shed and the apps are all over with continuous monitoring and consultation about the glasses of water drunk, the intervals between meals and the intake of different food groups. Are we really eating food ?
Another aspect of this beauty regime is fitness. There are so many gyms that have opened up all over. So many hitting the gyms, working out, running on treadmill and so on. Here we will again find a lot of exercise routines downloaded, the breathing techniques, the different forms of exercises to burn calories, increase stamina and above all lose the weight. We need to tone up the body, have that perfect build or figure to look good and attract attention. Are you actually achieving your goals?
In my opinion in order to be the perfect-looking man or woman we are losing out a lot internally and the main thing that is getting impacted is our mind which is overworked in order to fulfil all the tasks that we need to accomplish. A lot is being spoken about mental illness why? The mundane routines, the long working hours and to top it all lack of sleep and irregular eating times and habits are taking a toll on our mind which gets no time to relax. It is said that the brain gives us signals as to the needs of our body. If you are late to eat and then you need to be cautious as to what to eat, you tend to eat what has been advised, keeping in mind what is restricted and this causes stress. We are not relaxing but running all the time for the ‘benefit of our body’ but is it really benefitting us? We have opened up yet another sphere of work of therapists who help to put you at ease.
The world and its beauty regime, a facade created to attract you. Looking good is now an illness in my opinion and more and more people are falling prey to this. In fact, we are now aware of quite a few facts about deficiency, diseases and disorders. In fact, we can speak about anything related to health which has been taught by the new era health educators. I am not against any of them but the point that I am trying to make is that we have forgotten how to live.
Anything related to beauty and health has now become the basic priority and in fact a status symbol for all. It is good in a way but there is a lot to understand. ‘ Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all?,’ something we did read as a kid. Being fair or dark cannot be a criteria for looking good. Yet we have so many products emphasising on it though now we can see a trend to make this irrelevant. ‘ Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’, yes to be attracted or to get attracted the real beauty lies in the person who is only to judge if you are beautiful. It has nothing to do with what or how you look or eat or how fit you are. What matters the most is stability. A sound mind, open outlook, the courage to stand for what you are and what you believe. We all are witness to the beauty pageants that take place. Every participant is beautiful in their own ways but what defines you most is what you say or express and that adds on to your looks.
Every person whether a man or woman needs to realise this. Everyone is simply amazing in their own way. Live your life to the full, do eat healthy, do be disciplined about whatever you do. Do not make your life dependent on gadgets because after all someone did use his brain to make you all do so. Do not let this race for beauty hide all that you have. After all you are human and remember no one is perfect. You are intelligent and educated enough to decide what is right for you. Life is precious and you need to take care but not fall prey to this whole garb of beauty. The next time you look into the mirror you just need to say’ I am good enough to make way for better things in life.’