On the 7th of July, 1963, around 6.50 p.m London, a train departs from Glasgow Central railway station in Scotland. That Train cost 2.5 tonnes of money and took a long time to arrive. There were 72 people on board. Strike in the city for a week, followed by a holiday, and many of the funds go to the banks to go to the banks remixed and loaded today in Glasgow - London train. Halfway to the train station, I came to a halt. The conductor alighted from the train and proceeded to the station to inquire about the situation. However, all of the connections were disconnected, leaving only the red signal attached to a battery.
Some people were assaulted. The train crew hit the train and parked it 800 meters away It was parked on the bridge. Two cars and one truck were parked beneath the bridge. On the train, the 15 people robbed the money and fled. The word traveled quickly throughout the community. The police began a thorough investigation. A farmhouse was discovered 30P distant from that bridge in the vortex. The Farm House was discovered to be occupied by 15 persons who had been robbed. Police arrived and began searching. Where the money was, there were empty sacks. This time, one of the crooks on the list in front of the cops is caught in the act. This time, his name is Bruce Reynold. It was found that a person paid the equivalent of three months' rent in one go to purchase a home. It was disclosed that a person paid the equivalent of three months' rent in one go to purchase a vita. This money's serial number is the Serial Number of the Robbed Money, which became a match. This guilt has been detected as well. Police, on the other hand, have steadily apprecended 12 criminals. He went on to tell us about the Bruce Reynold site plan and how we looted it.
Bruce Reynold was in this mass in 1962, and it was there that he met some acquaintances. There were six people in the group. Southwest is the name of the group. All of these folks determined that a large robbery was likely to take place and began making preparations. Bruce Reynold joined his friend Buster Edwards's gang...This is the Southeast panel. That's what these two groups have been planning together for a year to beat this robbery. They had bought the farmhouse just a month before the robbery. That's where they stayed and planned. Thus they have executed this plan of plunder. All 2 of these 12 people who were later captured were imprisoned, What is shocking is that all 12 prisoners were escaped from prison. What happened to those 2.5 tonnes of money, and what happened to the robbery group, is still a mystery until now.